
Interperet a weird dream that my little cousin had?

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Interperet the dream that my cousin had: Our whole Greek dance group went up to her "toy room" and we all started signing stuff. She shoved a barbie doll into my face and said that it looked like me but then she said that she changed her mind and said it looked like some other girl that is short and i got mad. we went downstairs into a random auditorium then we said hi to my friend and her sister and then her friend started gossiping about me right infront of me. then we met up with the short girl and went outside it was raining and there was a boy in a tree that tried to take down a sign that said "listen and ask" and an old lady started yelling at him and told him to stop. then me my cousin and the short girl went bak inside. and we met up with one of the boys that is tall and started to dance on the auditorium stage. then we went back into the toy room and we decided to sleep there. I decided to sleep on the ceiling cuz i said "i was diagnosed with a disease and i have to...




  1. Dreams of this sort usually do not mean anything significant.  When you dream, your subconscious mind can bring out things, people, or events in your life and they can get all mixed up.  In your dreams your subconscious mind tries to "act them out."  So basically, I don't think it means anything other than people your cousin knows and recent events being all mixed up together.  I do wonder about the boy taking down the sign that says "listen and ask."  That to me is a sign of intelligence and pretty good advice; listen to what people are saying and if you have questions, then ask them.   Maybe the boy taking down the sign that says "listen and ask" and  the old lady yelling at him may be something of significance.  This is only my personal opinion, and although I believe you and your cousin are pretty young, here goes...(I hope I'm safe in saying that when you get older,) don't let a boy or a man try to put you down or take away the things you are interested in....but that's just me and my experience.  I'm not saying that all men do this, no, but watch out for the ones that do or might.

  2. That is a extremely strange dream its to mixed up sry

  3. from what you said and i read its an omen..all is well...and the part about disease is a sign of good times ahead believe it or not

  4. Your father is putting lots of pressure on you ; so much so that ; its causing such a disarray dream like this one ; and you are not always on the same page as your father ; so its hard to live relax

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