
Interpret my rather freaky dreams?

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NOTE: if you get scared or get nightmares very easily, don't read this. These are dreams that I have no idea about.

Dream One

There are three tunnels. One leads to a dark bedroom, one leads to a overgrown garden, and the last one is unknown. I go to the garden and see my family wrapped in vines. I try to help them but can't and run to the dark bedroom. There is an eerie looking ragdoll hung on the wall. When I stare directly at it, it swings slowly back and forth. I feel as if all the inanimate objects in that room are alive. I wake up before I see the 3rd tunnel because I'm too frightened.

Dream Two

I am at school, and my teacher is talking about a myth where a goddess' baby dies. I then go home, look at the newspaper on the bottom of my parrot's cage, and see blood drawn in the shape of a baby's head.

Dream Three

I dream that I am with two unknown boys in a two story house. I go to the top level and when I turn around, the boys are gone. Continued.




  1. #1

    Three tunnels =- things that lead to some other things, decision making

    to dark bedroom - this may mean you are feeling low in confidence about your privacy level

    overgrown garden - messy things, and it could mean things you can't handle, in translation, it means you are helpless

    Seeing your family wrapped in vines symbolizes helplessness in you.

    Back to the dark bedroom and see rag doll hung on the wall symbolizes helplessness and doll symbolizes you in a sitautation that you feel useless


    Blood in parrot's cage int the shape of a baby's head symbolize some fear you have in life. This fear is about thnigs you cannot utter.  Projecting blood symbolize attention seeking in some sense.  Parrot's cage could symbolize freedom being restricted.  You may be feeling the need for more attention

    #3 The boy being dead again reflects some failure in you.  You are feeling helpless and disappointed in something in life.

    #4 Seeing red in a hotel room symbolizes some danger, but this danger comes from your fear.  You may have fear about things that do not get recognition.  This is another case of low confidence.    Looking through the keyhole symbolizes some assurance you want to get.  In other words, you are seeking attention but you have conflict about that

    Putting them all together, you are low in confidence, and you are helpless, but you want people to realize the importance of you and the existence of you and somehow in reality, you don't feel that way and that is why you vent out all these crazy dreams.


    This dream tells me that you would rather deal with terrible things than take a step out to the unknown. You go into an awful garden and dark bedroom rather than try out a tunnel that could be good or bad. The fact that you'd rather go with what you KNOW will be bad tells me that you are probably set in your ways and refuse to do anything to better your situation because you are too afraid to try. I have a friend like this. She stays in a crappy marriage in a crappy town...she knows she should move on and wants to, but is afraid because her husband provides a meager but constant income. She is choosing to be miserable rather than choosing to take a chance.

    You might be in a better situation, but are not where you want to be. Maybe you have a steady job but want to quit and start a business or start an unusual new job. Maybe you are in a good home in an area of the country you don't want to live in. You stay because you would rather be moderately successful rather than risk being worse off...and that boils down to the fact that you don't trust your abilities. This is also in the dream: you see your family in trouble, but you can't help them and rather than continue to try, you run away.


    This sounds like you take things with you. Someone's baby dies in a myth, and you identify with the goddess to a point where you are directly affected by it (find blood in the cage). This is not a bad thing, even though the dream is spooky.



    This is the same as dream one. You want to help, but are powerless to do so. In this case, not only can you not help, but something bad happens to you for I said above, you feel like you shouldn't try because bad things may happen.


    This dream seems incomplete, as if you woke up too soon. Unless you can tell me how you felt, I can't help you.

    If you have further questions, please email me at

    Hope this helped.

  3. i have wierd dreams like that as well

    i know that my greatest fear is to die and i attribute it to this

    dreams play on the internal thoughts of your brain therefore the reasons for these dreams is locked up there some where but it is up to you to find out what caused it

    it may be the loss of a relative to sucide for the first one the vines to be represent ropes

    the second one is the fear of an enfants death which i can not explain

    the third one is the human fear of the unknown which is in the deapest corner of everyones heart

    you foot being stuck represents not being able to escape

    i do not understand the third dream though

  4. Dream One:

    You have a deep rooted fear of something. Your subconcious is manifesting this fear (or fears if you haven't realized your root fear yet) through different areas of your life.  Your subconcious  decides to explore closer to source of this fear in the overgrown garden (where the vines are a physical outgrowth of the your fear, the outgrowth your feelings of guilt, anxiety, etc.,) but you haven't reached the root yet). However, you find your family trapped by the vines represents your lifeline of security consumed by your ever growing fear. You then try to go where you think you're safe from your fear, the bedroom. The ragdoll is a manifestion of your fear in an attempt to define your fear into some semblance of humanity, something you may be familiar with. The rest of the inanimate objects serve the same purpose. Your bedroom represents the security in your life, your safe haven. But your fear penetrates this happy place and you no longer feel that sense of safety and warmth. It is then your subconcious is about to approach the third door, the heart, the root of your fear. However, you do not seem ready to face your fear head on because you wake up before you can see what is beyond the tunnel, each of them representing exploration.

    Dream Two

    You are at school a place where conventional things happen, where nothing outside of your understanding occurs. It is there that you hear that a goddess' baby dies, which is yet another expression of your fear. A baby represents innocence and a goddess represents something divine, something untouchable to the vulnerabilities of human nature. Your fear is so powerful, however, so deep-rooted that even things that are divine and innocent are destroyed by it as demonstrated through the the outline of blood on the newspaper (maybe only the outline because your subconcious is trying to deny the true power of your fear).

    Dream Three:

    Somewhere in that house is where your true fear seems to be. The younger boy represents your denial to your fear, your last lifeline of security, your helplessness in facing your fear. The older boy represents that part of you that wants to confront your fear, once and for all.

    The younger boy dies. This is your subconcious telling you that denial is useless. You go follow the other boy to go to the source of your fear but your bare foot is caught (bare probably represents your desire to face your fear head on, stripped of all superficialites), meaning that you as a whole is not yet ready to confront your fear.

    Dream 4:

    This door is the same as tunnel in the third dream and the hallway in the second; they all represent the source of your true fear. The hotel represents your subconcious' desire to separate yourself from your fear, in the hotel, like the school, you are in a safe place. The bellhop is a physical representation of your transformation in responding to your fear from denial (in the form of the three year old boy) to justification for not facing it (something bad will happen if you open that door), proven through the bellhop who warns you not to open the closet door. You look through the keyhole to take a peek at your fear, but all you see is red which blinds you, your subconcious' way of telling that you can't face your fear. All you see is red which seems to signify blood, which implies the subconcious trying to quantify the danger of your fear as life threatening, which justifies you in not opening the door (you've been warned).

    All these dreams are related to each other. Will you go with the older boy and walk through that unknown tunnel, that hallway to the right, the door to the closet of the hotel room? Or will you stay with the dead three year old, with your bedroom being haunted with inanimate objects, with your family trapped in vines, and the dead goddess' baby lying in your own home. Your subconcious is locked in conflict, your foot caught in that metal hook, trying to decide whether to face your fear or hide from it.

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