
Interpret this dream, please!

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I have had a couple of dreams lately about me being in horrible car accidents - one was where I went over a bridge and was in the water - woke up but I feel like I got out. Another I just felt the flipping and being completely out of control of the car but I believe I survived.

Now last night I have this dream that my whole school (I’ve been out of school for 5 years) had the choice to get this AIDS test and I signed up because among several others. The test ended up being a rigorous and crazy regimen that we had to perform like an hour a day for 9 months in order to get the results. With my first day complete, I saw my ex boyfriend who was working at the hospital I was at and told him he needed to find me a pair of pants since I was in an embarrassing gown. He took me up to these dorm-like rooms where he roomed with two other guys and we all laughed and talked and teased each other while he was finding me clothes and then he gets me this powdered drink stuff that he says will help (I guess with the side effects of the test like just being tired) so I started drinking it and it was way too thick and gross - it made me want to throw up and I truly felt like I was going to - it was such a strong feeling of needing to throw up that I wonder if I hadn’t felt this way outside of the dream - and anyway - he walked off toward another room and the other two guys laid down on their beds just kind of resting and I felt myself lose all ability, my knees hit the floor and I lurched over sideways. I could hear them talking but could do nothing about it. Then I kinda blacked out and when I woke up I was watching them ‘bag’ (the device used to breathe for people) with the manual bag - my ex was at the head squeezing the bag and the other two guys were working on me from the sides - I had known in the dream upon meeting them that they were medical students or workers of some type. They were saying I was dying and then I finally did - my ex collapsed on the floor and cried and all the while I was trying to get back in my body - doing everything I could to get back in there. It took what seemed like an eternity but finally I felt myself become one with my body and stats started returning to normal. They looked up and then the dream went on to other things but it’s kinda fuzzy - I do remember my ex telling me what happened from his perspective and that was it.

A little background if needed: I am married - have been for 3 years now. My ex is an EMT and firemen currently serving as a fireman in Iraq. I know most people say death dreams have nothing to do with death - but it’s like I never truly die - this dream is the closest I’ve been to dying in the dream. These have all taken place over two or three weeks I think. They are not recurring but always a present but distant thought it seems.




  1. I was told that death in a dream is meant to mean birth in life

  2. Death = the ending of a situation in life (not necessarily of life itself).

    In other words, there could be changes afoot for you in the not-too-distant future.

    I hope you will be very happy when they do. Best wishes. UK

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