
Interpret this dream?10 Points to whom could tell me :)?

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hey i had a dream lastnight where i looked outside my bedroom window and i seen a huuuuge tornado forming like a few blocks away from my house (weird,we dont usually have tornados where i live,we havent had one in about 100 years or so) i panic'd and went to tell my grandma and then ,....i took my grandma and my dog (the things i love) and right before i went running downstairs with them i remembered ,i forgot something so i went to my room and grabbed my guitar(because i love music soo much,im devoted to it) then i was downstairs and waited for it to rip apart our house...then i guess it turns out the tornado didnt even touch our house the next thing you know it was gone..i was confused about this dream anyone knows what it could mean

10 points to whoever figures it out





  1. Let's analyze your dream.

    looking outside your bedroom window = privacy invasion

    huge tornado = expected changes, danger, warnings

    your grandma = support, respectful individual

    grabbed your guitar = things you rely on

    Your dream is telling  you that you are feeling your privacy somehow may be invaded by some changes.  You may be feeling the coming of changes.  Projecting your grandma to be there symbolizes support you are looking for.  In  your dream you are feeling that she is the one she should rely on.  That in translation, she is a symbol of respect.  You are seeking for respect. You want people to respect your privacy.  Grabbing your guitar in the dream and later on the tornado didn't touch our house suggests that you want to hold on your belief on things that may bother you.

    In conclusion, you are looking for respect from others.  You may experience some changes in life, but you feel that you are the only one who can determine the changes.

  2. Sounds like you've had the standard Wizard of Oz dream variation.  Many of my "clients" have this dream, however, most of my clients are bed wetters or thumb suckers. Tell me...have you awoken from this dream only to find your sheets wet and your thumb pruned from being wedged between your upper palate and tongue for 8 hours straight?   If you have, it sounds like you might be suffering from a form of AWPS or (American Woman Princess Syndrome). Don't worry though. AWPS is treatable and with a good diet and exercise, you should be back to normal in no time.

  3. I had two dreams involving tornado's, so I did a little research on it.

    The tornado symbolizes your life, or emotions. You may feel like something in your life or something going on is out of control or scary. You getting the things you love shows that you may need comfort (the dog) and love and advice (grandma) and something for you (guitar).

    When I had this dream I was thinking about moving out of my apartment and leaving my boyfriend, which I did, but the dream was a tornado coming straight at our house and me trying to escape can see how that relates to what I was feeling.

    Can you relate to any of that in your life?

    Hope this helped!


    they have dream interpretations

  5. I think it means you need to keep playing your music, keep your passion. You will have a lot if you follow music in your future, but if you don't it will hurt you. whether its in wealth, or love.

  6. I think the forgetting of the guitar is most important to understanding your dream.  The dream is telling you never to forget your music, to hold it foremost as your goal and dream even in the midst of a tornado.

  7. Try this site - i wouldn't even dare interpret someone Else's dreams - i know nothing about it sorry  but i have had a reccurring dream since childhood and took a look a couple of weeks ago.

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