
Interpretaion for a Stupid pointless 5 minute dream? ( But also very coincidental?)?

by Guest33287  |  earlier

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OK i slept over my cousins house i went to sleep but I had a dream that I was sleeping in her room but her room was empty except for her bed and this weird waiting room chair and she was just there waiting for me to get up...Watching me sleep?

SO she was watching me for like 5 min so im like wtf f*ck this so I got up and she seriosly was trying to get me up my poking me ( but that didn't work i woke up on my own)

Weird? Why? Normal? EXPLANATION!????




  1. Your cousin represents your spirit guide waiting for you to wake up your spiritual side.

  2. Sounds like your dream world and the real world collided. Nothing real unique in this. I know it happens to me allot.

  3. You were 1/2 asleep and 1/2 awake. That's why your dream was 1/2 real. It's normal. Happens to me all the time. For example, one day I dreamed that I was yelling at my neighbors then I woke up and heard them arguing. My window was open, got up and closed it. You must be really tired or not getting enough sleep. Good luck

  4. To dream that you are in a room, represents a particular aspect of yourself or a particular relationship.  Dreams about various rooms often relate to hidden areas of the conscious mind and different aspects of your personality.

    To dream that you find or discover new rooms, suggests that you are developing new strengths and taking on new roles. You may be growing emotionally.

    To see an appealing or comfortable room in your dream, signifies opulence and satisfaction in life.

    To see a dark, eerie or confining room, denotes that that you feel trapped or repressed in a situation.

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