
Interracial Relationship...?

by  |  earlier

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I fell in love with a man of a different race... I am a white female and he is a black parents absolutly hate the fact and told me i cant see him or talk to him or have anything to do with him...but im in love with him and i have been seeing him behind their backs...and i feel so guilty they just wont understand and they will not listen to me about how great of a guy he is...they just see his color help any siggestions?@




  1. i have the same problem, the only difference that i am middle eastern and he is Hispanic, i  still try to find ways to deal with it the only thing i can advise u is that ur parents can not stop you, and eventually they will understand just keep strong, and do not rebel just show your parents u r responsible and like that they will know u r making the right decision, i know it is easier said than done i know that, i still hide our relationship and my mom still hates it but i know they will get over it eventually be ok

    good luck

  2. You need to calmly sit down and talk with them (getting into an argument doesn't do any good for anyone) because it may be more out of fear for your safety than racism- while interracial dating is more accepted now, there are still some people that are just straight out hateful.

    Or they may just not be used to the idea. There's a good chance that when they grew up this didn't happen. (It's not right, but there's no way to change the past.)

    There's so many reasons that they could have a problem with it, and the only way to figure it out is to sit down and discuss it with them.

    Try to see if maybe you can have him come over to dinner and get to know them.

    Also- do NOT sneak around their backs, that will just cause them to loose their trust in you, and dislike him even more.

    Even though they're not right in this situation, they're your parents- and I'm sure they think they're doing what's best for you.

  3. First of all ask them What Year do they live in.

    Then what you need to do is show then that this guy is the guy you love. That he treats you like the Queen you are. It's a hard thing to do, change the mind of someone cause they must have a deep seeded reason why they do not like Black people. So seeing that they are your parents you have to respect their decision, but at the end of the day you need to follow your love... If you HONESTLY feel that this guy is the one for you... He makes you happy on all levels, then you would have to take the good with the bad... Eventually they will come along...

    They love you and they are just worried that you will get hurt.

    So their intentions are in the right place... just their reasons are not:

    1) known

    2) practical

    3) old fashion

  4. It's your choice as to who you love and who you want to date and if your parents don't like the fact that you are in love with a man of a different race then that's there problem!

    you have to choose who you love not your parents! and if you like the guy and he makes you happy stay with him!

  5. I'm glad you don't see color but a person. I don't think you will change your parent's minds right now, but they may eventually come around. Love is bliss and it feels good, but others, as you know, frown upon such a union. You must be realistic and agree to accept the fact that if you stay with/marry this guy, your life will be hard. Others have made it work and you can too, but the parent situation is a real stickler. Go slow and talk with your parents, maybe they will learn to see a person, too. Good luck

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