
Intersection w/o turn lane and red light.?

by Guest55735  |  earlier

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If I enter an intersection w/o a turn lane on a green light and the light turns red and I turn with traffic coming towards me , and a car hits me who is at fault me or the car that hit me?




  1. You are at fault for failing to yield. Once your light turned red, you have to wait for 1) no traffic to be coming so you can safely turn or 2) wait until your light turns green again. If there's a sign for no turn on red then you MUST wait until your light is green again.

  2. Did they have a red light also? or was their side green longer? If they ran a red light then they would be at fault. if they still had a green light you would be at fault for not yielding right of way.

  3. If you are in the middle of the intersection you should not be found at fault.  However only traffic cameras or witnesses can help you there.  Otherwise, whenever you turn in front of on coming traffic and cause an are at fault.  As long as the oncoming traffic is moving on a green light.

  4. This would be your fault 100 percent, you failed to yield to the oncoming traffic and you should never enter an intersection under a light, you stay behind and in your lane......................

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