it wasnt' with my boss but my boss's boss! he called me and goes i need to fill out a form, i need your race. i said I'm mixed [half white and half black]. He goes i can't put both. i asked if there wasn't any "other" box, he said no. he goes "you need to choose", i said to him i CANT choose! i'm neither of them alone but both of them! He goes you NEED to choose, so i said well i'm Asian. He gets mad saying I'm not taking him seriously, i'm like you're boggus because you cant ask me to choose! this is BS! so after a 1 hour conversation I was look like in my SS it says black, i guess you cna put that but i'm also puting a complaint. Everyone says I'm exxaagerating except for 2 women whom both are mixed! how was i exxagerating????