
Intersting conversation i had with my boss about my race..can he ask me that?

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it wasnt' with my boss but my boss's boss! he called me and goes i need to fill out a form, i need your race. i said I'm mixed [half white and half black]. He goes i can't put both. i asked if there wasn't any "other" box, he said no. he goes "you need to choose", i said to him i CANT choose! i'm neither of them alone but both of them! He goes you NEED to choose, so i said well i'm Asian. He gets mad saying I'm not taking him seriously, i'm like you're boggus because you cant ask me to choose! this is BS! so after a 1 hour conversation I was look like in my SS it says black, i guess you cna put that but i'm also puting a complaint. Everyone says I'm exxaagerating except for 2 women whom both are mixed! how was i exxagerating????




  1. Although you and several people won't agree, your boss isn't really exaggerating, he's simply incompetent. Or maybe the race thing in the form isn't really that important and he just needs you to put something there (not Asian, obviously ;) ). Hmm... I can understand why you feel like you do but just put black or white, whatever works best for you and your career, and forget about all the nonsense. Because that's what it is on your boss's part: nonsense. Quite frankly, I wouldn't get into an argument with my boss because of that. But, may I say it again, I can understand you.

  2. I can't see any reason legally why he would have had to know this. but your race was decided at birth.  its not something that YOU choose.  its the 'one drop theory' that unfortunately we as multi race people abide by.  I would definately file a grievance againt your boss just incase something does happen later down the line.  also start a journal of any injustices or unusual happenings.  this way you have a paper trail if he does try to do something.  good luck....

  3. I really think you should have figure it out by now. Your race I mean and what you want to adopt. I do get his point since you cant put both and you have to choose one, if not, the choices would be totally long.  

  4. who was the questionnaire from? was it an in company thing, because then you have a case for complaint.  If it came from a separate body (we get these all the time), that is from the council or some well meaning but stupid government agency then the issue is with them.

  5. I agree that it was unfair and inappropriate of him to do that to you. However, that argument is kind of a metaphor for how the issue is perceived by the American government and the majority of it's citizens. If you are part black, you're black here, they even put it on your birth certificate.  

  6. that is an optional question.  U can deny awnsering it under the pretenses of discrimination.  I hate to put race down since America needs to unite as 1 race instead of a million

  7. He is an A$$!!!

  8. He's a total j***a$$! You were not exxagerating just a bit. I may not be mixed but I can understand your rights completely! He shouldn't have that position and he shouldn't do that cause it's not proffesional or even LEGAL! I suggest that you hire a lawyer and kick his a$$ legaly!!!  

  9. Well I am also mixed and would have reacted in the same manner.

  10. Good for you. Tell that fool to get updated forms, not the archaic forms that have been around since the fifties!  Most forms nowadays say "Check ALL that apply" or something similar.

  11. I don't know if you got the memo, but if you're half black or even if you're an octoroon (1/8th black) you're still black. All goes back to the one drop rule. You might as well embrace it because it's always gonna be that way.

  12. I'm half black half white too, I kno exactly what you mean when you say that too! It's really annoying when people tell you to choose one, or when they tell you that you act more like one than the other. frustrating. yea he can say it, but he was being stupid, you were right to complain about it. i mean what sense does it make to be called black jes because its in you or the other way around, its called mixed for a reason. not being offensive, but people who arent necessarily mixed take the situation differently, thats y they beleived you were exaggerating when you wernt.

  13. He's being a tool and you can report that to the better business bureau as well as making a formal complaint with the STATE.  

    He doesn't need that information for anything.  Unless he's filling some sort of quota for hiring a certain # of black, hispanic, etc..  What a goofball.  Really an hour long conversation? did you talk to your Boss about this conversation and how you felt?

  14. The corporation you work for is full of ****. They most likely want to claim you as black to appear more diverse. And that guy is just yes man patsy, how else do you think he became your bosses boss? You should exacerbate the issue and try to find a good lawsuit.

  15. Your boss is a jerk.

    You may choose your dad's side.  That is what our last name follows.  Think about that, your last name doesn't include both last name of your mom and dad, thats why generally speaking, we go by our dad's side.

  16. As a boss he needed to be more respectfull. That didnt sound very professional, and good answer with the asian remark! It proves your point and that should of made him see. But since you SS says black, put black, YOU know what race you really are.

  17. You are both.  That guy's an idiot.  YOu weren't exxaggerating.  Embrace them both girl!

  18. what kind of form doesn't have an other box? he's just a stupid jerk that's trying to get you pissed. don't work there

  19. Anyone that is mixed with black, is classed as black. Really, there should be another box, for "mixed".

  20. he is an a*****e. i'm sure there was an other box. that is very offensive and i hope you do make a complaint.

  21. Your boss is being a jerk. Don't work there.

  22. Race questions on applications usual have in paranthesis (Optional) meaning you don't have to give it if you don't want and most places that are professional also give you the option of a box titled "Other" that allow you to put 'mixed-half XYZ & half ABC' or whatever. Your boss's boss sounds like a moron. Oh and I'm not mixed and I don't think your exxagerating.

  23. some where back many many years ago when white man was making up rules and laws by digging out there asses said that if you are mixed black and white you are black no inbetween no both.  Now I don't agree with that but then I don't really give a **** about any of those stupid *** rules and laws that were made up but a bunch of racist fools.  So for the sake of your boss's paper work legally you are black.

  24. That is really ignorant on his part. I didn't know supervisors could ask questions like that. It's illegal. Regardless of what you are, it's not in his place to ask. I would document exactly what was said. In a former job of mine, a co-worker/supervisor probed my ancestry. She couldn't accept that I am black. I get that often and it's very offensive and annoying when people question and intrude in this way but especially so in the workplace.

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