
Interval Training??????

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I am training for a cyling 10mile TT I have done some work on the bike and some Cardio, I am wanting though to mix things up slightly and have been told to try some Interval Training I am confused however, what basically is it? Also could some one recommend me a schedule?

Thanks in Advance




  1. intervals are repeating a given effort over and over with a recovery period between each.  it can take different forms from sprinting so many phone poles, to repeating a given loop over and over.  the idea is to drive your heartrate up, let it come down and hit it again.  in theory you can hold your HR at a higher level longer than just a steady effort.

    they are hard on your body if you push yourself through them, so i wouldnt recommend more than twice a week with a recovery ride the next day.  the key to training is to find a balance of things.  recovery to rebuild muscles after hard efforts is every bit as important as the workouts themselves.  failing to recovery makes you prone to getting sick or injured, so watch how your body feels.  i learned it will tell you what it can handle.

  2. i don't ride a bike but i do know what interval training is.. for example what i do is i jog a half mile at 6mph on a treadmill then i jog 9, or 10mph for a half mile. sometimes i change the slope on the treadmill i do that for about 7 or 8 miles. i hope that helps you

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