
Interview Attire and Questions???

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I have an interview tomorrow and am freaking out. Is it better to wear a womans' suit or will nice pants and a collared shirt be ok? Also, this interview is going to be with four different people from different levels in the company. Each one has a half hour with me. I have never had an interview like that before? Anyone have any tips or warnings? It has been literally 10 years since I've had an interview so I am REALLY REALLY nervous. I have a list of questions to ask, copies of my resume, a completed application....I need an outfit! :) Any help or personal experiences would be appreciated!




  1. Well, being a guy I can't say I know much about women's clothes, but as someone who has done interviews, I'd say a decent conservative look, maybe even a little jewelry would be nice.

    However you choose to dress, it, as well as your body language, must communicate to your prospective employers these 10 things:

    1) That you are about business

    2) That you are a problem-solver

    3) That you can handle pressure

    4) That your B.S. tolerance level is low

    5) That you are likeable and easy to work with

    6) That you are ambitious and unsatisfied with complacency

    7) That the salary they are paying you will result in fewer headaches for them

    8) That your strengths outweigh your weaknesses

    9) That your weaknesses can be turned into growth opportunities

    10) That you can both lead and follow

    I don't make such a big deal about people's clothes, actually. Not everyone is a fashion diva. If your suit is a Brooks Brothers' or off the rack at Wal-Mat doesn't matter as much as the package inside.

    Good luck

  2. If it's a very conservative company, I'd go with the woman's suit.

    With the suit, try it on at home and bend yourself into every possible position you can think of (bending over, sitting down, getting up from a chair, out of a car, etc) so that you can be sure that nothing is showing that shouldn't be in each of the situations. Be sure that you match (shoes, accessories, etc) and that you look professional. Your outfit should be well coordinated, and in a neutral tone (black, navy, brown, beige...not pink, purple, green, etc) Wear hose if you're wearing a skirt. Personally, I wouldn't wear open toed shoes. Closed toed, 3in or less heels (in a pump style) is probably your best option.

    Wear makeup (if you normally do) but don't over do it. You shouldn't look like you're going out on the town. Simple and understated. You never get a second chance to make a first impression. If you normally do not wear makeup, at least put on a little lipstick and some mascara, just so it looks like you've made an effort to dress up more than you normally would.

    Remember, firm handshake, smile, eye contact. Chew gum or eat a mint before you begin, but don't be chewing gum during the interview. Speak at a resonable volume, head up, sit up straight, and smile a lot. Employers want happy, well-adjusted people.

    If you're nervous, just keep telling yourself "I CAN do this, and I DO deserve this job and I WILL get through this interview just fine."

    I hope this helped!!

  3. From your description it sounds like a big company and a woman's suit will be appropriate.  It sounds like you are ready.  

  4. A woman's suit, on the conservative side, is safer. But if you want some extra input, call up HR and ask them what people usually wear to interviews at their company. Simple professional hairstyle, minimal jewelry, no perfume or cologne, closed-toe shoes. Not the time to make a high fashion statement. I have a friend who puts the perfect expensive suit on her credit card, interviews in it, gets it dry cleaned, and then returns it for a refund. Her conscience is assuaged by the dry cleaning step. But you probably have a suitable suit already.

    This tag team approach is apparently a fairly common way to interview now at big companies. Just breathe deeply and try to stay centered.

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