
Interview Help for Childline?

by  |  earlier

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aarrgghh im scared, i have an interview in a few hours for a volunteer Child line phone Counsellor, anyone know what will be asked, its an hour and long interview and im scared ill mess it up




  1. Mention why you want to spend your free time volunteering for child line, what motivates you etc.

    Good luck!

  2. What can you offer to the job?

    Why do you want this post?

    You will be fine, just keep calm and have good eye contact.

    All the best!

  3. Firstly, thanks for volunteering for such a worthwhile cause. Don't worry, the interview itself doesn't last that long, they will show you around the building and the areas where the phones are. They will ask you why you want to volunteer and what area you would like to volunteer in. Don't worry about messing up, there aren't really any wrong answers, if you do say something wrong they will tell you so you know not to do it in the future. The main thing is to try to appear confident and calm and they will take you on, the interview is just to get to know you and to introduce you to Childline and explain what you'll be doing. For the first week or so (depending on how long you need) you won't be answering the phones, you will be working with someone else observing how they respond to different calls and when you are ready you will answer the phones but someone will observe you for a day or so, you'll also roleplay different situations so you learn how to properly speak to a child on the phone.

  4. I suppose the most important thing they'll be looking for is a calm and caring nature and the ability to communicate clearly, so just make sure this comes across and you ought to be fine.

  5. My advice is to just relax and be yourself,,,,, your the best person you know,,  

    good luck..

    it a great thing to do.

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