
Interview Thank You Letter

by  |  earlier

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I had a phone interview yesterday and I am writing a thank you letter to my potential employer. I feel the phone interview went pretty well and am very interested in the position. My potential employer told me that she would get back to me (either way) by the end of the week or early next week to let me know if I will be set up for a personal interview. This is what I wrote for my concluding sentence of my thank you letter:

"Thank you for your time and attention yesterday. I hope I was able to provide you with sufficient information about my qualifications and experience to give you a clear picture of what I have to offer you. I would like to take the next step in this process and discuss the position with you at your office. Please feel free to give me a quick call at your convenience with a date and time, and I’ll be sure to arrange my schedule around it. "

Do you think it leaves me coming off as "determined" or is too pushy Is it appropriate?




  1. Excellent, and *totally* appropriate.  Good luck!

  2. I think it sound great!  Only thing is the last sentence.  I would say this instead...

    I look forward to hearing back from you so that we may potentially meet in person.  

    That is just what I would say though, you should do what YOU feel is right!

  3. Since I get so few thank you letters after an interview, I think this would kick you up to the top of my consideration list as a person of interest for whatever position I was hiring for.  I think sounding determined and optimistic works in your favor.

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