
Interview questions for volleyball?

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I am doing an article before a volleyball game and i need hekp coming up with some questions to ask. HELP!!!!! Or if you could tell me how to come up with good questions. That would help out a lot.




  1. You could ask...

    1.) Did you think that you did your personal best?

    2.) Did you get all excited about/for the game?

    3.) Do you think that you expected more from your team?

    4.) Did you think that the team you played was hard or easy?

    5.) Did you have fun?

  2. Howd you find out about volleyball?

    What do you like the most of Volleyball?

  3. what excites you about the game?

    how much time do you spend practicing?

    how did you first get interested in vb?

    describe the teamwork involved in vb.

    which opponent do you look forward to playing against the most?

    which of the opponent's players do you admire the most?

    describe your favorite vb move / play.

    do you plan on playing vb in college?

    what other sports do you play?

    how important is winning the game to you?

  4. How do you feel the team is performing together this season?

    What does the schedule look like for the season, are there any teams that look really difficult to beat?

    What is the goal (wins) for the season?

  5. Here are some good questions?

    1.  How many players are on a court and what are their jobs.

    2.  How many points do you need to win?

    3.  How many games do you need to win to win the series?

  6. Depends what part of the season.  If it's the beginning, get to know the players and how they got in the game.  What their team goals are and how they think the season will go.

    If it's mid way through, focus on the team players in the group and on a big upcoming game.  What they have been working on and improving.  

    If it's after a game, then you can interview them on how the team performance was.  Strengths and weaknesses.  If there was a weakness, what the cause was that they felt.  What the feeling on the court was, etc.

    Best of luck!

  7. What kind of conditioning and practice do you do that helps make you a better volleyball player?

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