
Interview today with royal mail for postman HELP?!

by Guest33179  |  earlier

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Right got a interview today with the royal mail to be a postman..

in that interview it lasts 45 minutes, i was told, im so nervous, ive digged out my dads trousers and shirt, to attempt to look smart. should i wear a tie?

Finally, im so worried about the questions theyll ask..

what do i say when they ask the sort of questions like.

Why do you want to work here

What can you bring to the company

Why should we hire you

:( help





  1. i would like to work here because i am very patient i am punctual and i am skilled at working under pressure.

    cant think of anythin for the second one.

    you should hire me because i am good fit for the position and i have what it takes to get the job done. and yea it probly b better to wear a tie.

    Although the most important bit of an interview is the end when they say do you have any questions?

    do not say no lol

    ask things lyk how can i help make this business a better place, will ther b overtime, will you let me know if i get the position, and never sit with your arms folded coz it shows your closin yourself in. dont ask questions lyk how much will i get paid lol

    hope this helped good luk.

  2. Postie here:

    Yes wear a tie and iron if not press your shirt and trousers, always try to stand out from the crowd. In Royal Mail you will be wearing Uniform and they will take note of how smart your appearance is at the interview

    Questions they will probable ask (from memory).

    Are you fit.  (This sounds silly but start walking with heavy bags as you will be expected to carry 16kg bags and walk for between 7.5 to 10 miles a day when you start work)

    They will also ask you questions about the local area.  Such as is such a district to the east or west of the town centre.

    How long have you lived in the area.

    How did you travel to the interview.

    Why do you want to work here - I like daily contact with the public and enjoy providing a service which helps the community.  I like a mixture of working as a team and as an individual.  I like the mixture of working inside and outside.

    What can you bring to the company.  Royal Mail are very big at the moment on Flexibility so get that in a few times and you will do well.  Also mention that you will be dedicated to providing the best service you can.

    Why should we hire you.  Similar answers to above just word it differently but you could also mention that as a Postman you recognise when you are in uniform you represent the company and this will be at the forefront in all your dealings with the General Public.  (I said that and the interviewer seemed pleased)

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