
Interview with one source talent.....?

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okay, i signed up for one source talent about a week ago and now i have an interview tomorrow. but i want to know if its actually worth working with them. will i actually be able to live out my dream or is this just one big scam? ive heard that they ask for money upfront. i want people that have actually worked with ost to answer this plz.




  1. Hey, my name is Lisa.  I am a talent with One Source Talent (my talent ID is #15175).  I know how you feel, I had cold feet at first too.  But my mom is the one that talked me into it.  I became a member back in 2006, I just turned 17, and it was always my dream to become a model.  It wasn’t easy, I had to work real hard.  OST had me come to meet and greets with real models that helped me learn how to walk and helped me develop as a model.  Im not sure where you live, but im here in the Detroit area, and they have about one every 3 weeks or so.

    And another thing, OST is not an agency, they are a service.  OST helps you get started in the entertainment industry.  They got me signed to CLICK New York.  And they never took any type of percentage from the work they got me.

    I was just in the Hour Detroit Magazine Fashion Show at the MGM Detroit Casino last week.  I walked in two shows, one was for Roma Sposa, and the other was for Linda Dresner.   Here is the video I’m at 1:45!

    I now have experience and all my marketing material together which I could have never done by myself.

    Live out your dreams, whatever they are, you have to work hard and be committed.

    If you have any other questions email me at

  2. Go and see what they are about. If they ask for money during your interview, you know they are trying to get your cash. See what the deal is, do you take classes with them? Is it a standard agent where they will try to get you an audition and then take an agent fee out of your pay? Be prepared but dont take the check book.

  3. A real agency will NOT expect money up front - they will only want you to get pictures, but you can get the bare minimum if you want. I had an agent in California when I was young, and they did not ask for a penny. Beware of agents asking for money saying that it costs them to advertise and find casting calls for you. The reality is that a real agent will take a percentage of your profits from your jobs, nothing up front.

    Good luck!

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