
Interviewing for a disability children's camp?

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Hi, I was wondering what possible questions they might ask.




  1. 1)  Why do you want to work at our camp?

    2) What experience have you had in working with children with disabilities?

    3) What experience have you had working in a camp setting with typically developing children?

    4) Do you have any special skills, interests, or talents that would be appropriate to working in a camp for children with disabilities?

    A couple of suggestions for you:  Use "people first" language.  Instead of saying a "disability children's camp," say " a camp for children with disabilities," or  "a camp for children with special needs."  Put the emphasis on the fact that this is a camp for children;  kids who happen to have a disability are still kids, and they have much more things in common with typically developing kids than they have differences.  

    Also, keep in mind that an important goal in working with kids who have disabilities is to have the child participate as fully as possible.  Often people want to do things for children with disabilities, rather than assisting them to do as much as they are able, or modifying the activity to better suit the needs of the individual child.  "Partial participation" is much better than having the child sit passively by while someone else makes the art project for them, even if the child's finished project doesn't look "perfect."  

    Finally, if you are asked any questions that you really don't have a good answer for, it's fine to say something like, "I've never really had experience with that, but I know that this camp will give me an opportunity to learn more about it, and I am really eager to learn."

  2. What experience do you have with children with disabilities?

    What particular disabilities have the children you have worked with had or what disabilities do you know about?

    What would you do if a child with (insert condition) was having problems with (insert activity)?

    Do you know anything about alternative/augmentative communication strategies?

    What experience have you had with children with behavioural problems in children?

    When answering these questions try to cite examples

  3. Being a special ed teacher I can answer that the first and most important question will be "What is you experience with special needs children?  Have you worked with anyone with special needs or know anyone personally?"  If you haven't had any experience with anyone prior to the interview try to focus on your ideas how each individual should be given equal opportunities in life and how modifications should be made to help those with special needs accomplish these things.

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