
Interview??please help me!!!!?

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I have an interview with a hospital next week, for a volunteer program being held this summer. Do you have any experiences with volunteering? If so, what type of questions do they ask you? Do you have any tips on what I should wear?

Thanks so much=)




  1. Ok, well volunteer positions are to be valued just like a job.  The hospital is likely to be interviewing you since they want to know if you are serious about the committment you say you want to make.  It can be harder than you imagined (dealing with death, patients who may have no visitors but you, or even terminally ill patients who are of all ages, etc.) so these are some things to keep in mind.  They will ask why do you you want to volunteer?  What type of skills, experience, etc. do you bring to the program?  Why should they choose you?  How do you work in stressfull environments?  How well do you work in a team?  You should dress like you are going to a job interview.  Modest, professional, and comfortable clothing.  No flashy jewelry (earrings, necklace, bracelets,rings), no skirts above your knees, no low cut blouses, etc.  Dress to impress!  Blessings and Peace

  2. Wear something with a collar and black pants. Make sure you aren't too revealing when you sit down too! They will probably ask when/if you have dealt with the public, questions about responsibility, teamwork, etc. General stuff. Never lie but play up things that really don't matter. Like, you took a year of ballet class? You learned teamwork and working towards a goal, etc.

  3. Many volunteer positions become paid positions. Even if a job is done strictly as a volunteer we should offer our best effort in all ways. Approach the job and the interview as if it is a paid position you would want to have.

  4. Just look neat and tidy and don't wear anything short, tight or with offensive graphics.

    Hospitals are busy places. They may ask you why you want to volunteer, do you enjoy working with elderly people, how many hours you can commit to, do you have any first aid training,  what  would you do if someone asked you a question you didn't know the answer to, are you generally a positive person, what kind of volunteering you want to do i.e. interact with patients or work in the gift shop....just some suggestions. Good Luck.

  5. hi... my experience wt volunteering job was not related to hospital, though. hope these few points will help:

    - why u r here (willing to work for free)

    - what/who encourage u to come

    - how long wld u be able to serve

    - what's ur xpectation

    - what can we expect from u

    -what's ur specialisation/ strenght

    - what's yur weakness  - maybe they'll ask whether u can stand the blood :-)

    - what's ur hobby/ preference (frm this they can gauge whether u suit the job needs or not.. regardless or whether it is a paid job or volunteer)

    - what's the longest hour / duration can u work

    - can we call u anytime (put u on call)

    - what's the most suitable day for u to come /work

    - are u willing to travel

    - how quick could u turn up if we call u for an emergency cases

    - are u willing to work in group. are u a good teammate?

    - wld u be able to lead a team of all new people to u (bear with me wt my english)

    - how do u rate yourself ,follower, initiator or leader?

    - how good are u in resolving conflict.  (volunteer job normally got conflicts like conflict of interest etc esp if the team is majority comprise of 1st timer volunteer)

    - how familiar were u wt the job/post that we offer

    - wld u be back in the next round if we call u

    - wld u be interested to take this job permanently in future

    eergghh.. that's what comes to my mind now :-)

    attire? whatever suits the company&position that u r gonna go 4 interview. in this case, a hospital i would say u shld clad on a simple, neat but professional & elegance look. if you know the position, its better to dress up to match it. e.g. u dont need to look so feminine to apply for a Lab assistance job but u may wanna do so for a receptionist position.  

    all the best!  


    why? u shld looks 'ready' for the job.

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