
Into the wild... possibility of living freely?

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After watching the movie and reading the book, I have begun to question my own structured life. I have often thought about dropping everything and just living freely and experiencing the simple joys of nature and life. Do you ever feel this way? And maybe a little deeper question, do you think human beings could ever step back out of our greedy, materialistic, maladaptive existence?




  1. We have reached the point in which our world is to populated and the few places where your can live with little or no contact the human body will have trouble living. Besides our bodies and minds are adapted to the comforts of this age. As for greed and materialism you change with ease, if you want to. Maladaptive behavior is a mental problem and I don't know if the adaption of surroundings would be enough.

  2. First off, great book and movie. The soundtrack by Eddie Vedder is equal in greatness.  

      I do believe we are all capable of stepping back out of our greedy society. Just the fact that you are questioning your structured life shows that you are a person of deep intellect. In the society we are a part of, we are surrounded by greed, jealousy, ignorance, hate, etc. . On a daily basis we are told we must walk this way, talk this way, dress this way, eat, sleep, and drink this way. Many people don't have the intellect to see what this all represents. It's sad but true. And yet. those of us who question are labeled as "lunatics", "Wackos", or "left of center".  The truth is, we are smarter then everyone else and we refuse to sell our souls to "society".

      Now, with that said, you don't need to do what Chris did but you can express yourself and teach others about true freedom. Do surround yourself with others who are free thinkers and you will realize that you are not alone.

    You have a gift and you should share it, express it, and teach it. Who knows, maybe the gift comes from God.

  3. You do realize that things didn't turn out so good for that guy, right?

  4. I live in a mountain cave myself...The only thing i brought was a lap top....but the batteries are starting to run downnnnnn....

  5. Having lived in the wild, I hate bugs & especially biting flies & mosquitos.  While in the Venezuelian jungles & swamps the mosquitos were so thick that I couldn't breathe without sucking one into my nose.  Too many glorify living without toilet paper, soap & something to keep the rain off them. While the native populations do have insect repellants, they are not as effective as many would have you believe.

    I find those that continually deride civilization have spent too little time actually living the primative life.  I hate being cold, wet & hungary for weeks or months at a time.

  6. I definitely have thought about going out into the wilderness and living freely.  But after backpacking and going out into the wilderness it makes me realize how much I need society.  I almost bleed to death in the mountains fortunately I was with my friends.

    As for humans being greedy, materialistic, and maladaptive I think we have always been this way as a society.  Most humans are good though, so it is up to everyone to make the world better as they see fit.  Every action has a greater effect than intended, so it is possible to make the world a better place everyday.

    If you do go out and live in the wild, don't live in the Alaskan wilderness.

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