
Into to Political Science Questions...?

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How are politics "scientific"? What does research have to do to be considered “scientific”? What

advantages come from studying politics “scientifically”?

These are just a couple questions I'm having hard time articulating the answers to. Any help is appreciated. :-)




  1. The "scientific" part of politics is in the polling and reaserch areas. Statistical analysis, good random sampling of polls, neutral questions, etc. The reaserch is kind of the same except the data is based on demographics, etc. All the b.s. you hear politicians talk about is usually based on this research or polling.

  2. Sociology and psycology come into play in politics.

    Both very scientific, aka the study of society as a whole, and psych, the study of people.

    Politics are supposed to be a representation of the people.

    just for a start. someone else may be able think of other areas. but thats what immidately comes to mind for me

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