
Intracacies of the castle move on chess?

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I know the mechanics of the move,

but when can I and can't I use it?




  1. The castle move is when you basically move the rook over the king.

    You can move it only when you are not in check, or will not get into check. You can use it to get the other person in check, though. It is basically a failproof if your pawn and bishop and knight defences are down, and you need your king in a safer place and your rook out in the field.

  2. you cannot castle to either side if u have moved ur king.

    you cannot castle if there r pieces between ur king and rook.

    you cannot castle through or into check.

    you cannot castle out of check.

    you cannot castle to the side of a rook u have moved.

    the above r facts, below r my own opinions about castling.

    dont castle b4 the the 0-15th move of the game

    castle at the last possible moment, never if not needed

    dont leave the defending rook by himself to defend ur king.

    dont castle if u know ur opponent is much more advanced than u, it will create an easy target for those who know how to break down that defensive move.

    if u castle and ur opponent IMMEDIATELY starts charging pawns down the same columns, ur in trouble!

  3. Only a king may castle, and only if he and the rook have not yet moved.  The king may castle to either side, but may not castle into, out of, or through 'check'.  If there are no other pieces between the two then the king moves over two spaces toward the rook and the rook passes around him to rest at his side.

  4. Hi,

         Castling was first introduced in the 15th century.  Please see my web page for further details:  You are allowed to 'castle' once during each game.  The king and rook must not have been moved from their 'initial starting position'.  You may 'castle' on the king-side or queen-side.  Further/extensive details will be found at the link above.



  5. well it can move left, right, forward/up, back/down so if u r like surrouned u obviously u cant move u can only move if there is a free space (NOT DIAGONLY) :)

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