
Intrested in Adoption?

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My husband and I have been talking about adopting a little girl for years. I tried to research it on the internet and didn't get any real answers. We wanted to maybe adopt from Mexico. Anyone know anything about it. I'm curious about how to go about it and what the requirements and cost might be.




  1. I wouldn't recommend guatemala to anyone there are huge child trafficing rings down there currently and I'm sure you wouldn't want to be part of baby theiving and illegal child trafficing.

  2. Just go to an agency. Walk in the door. They can go through everything else with you there. They will give you a ton of advice for free first. Then, legally, $5000- $30,000 for the adoption.

    Foreign countries often have laws about how long the adoptive parents (or parent) have to stay before they take the kiddo (or baby) back home. I think Mexico has a long requirement, like 6 months. (six months in mexico can cost a pretty $) Countries like Guatamala don't require you to visit or stay, and even a caretaker can bring the baby back on the plane to the US for you. All depends on the countries particular laws.


  4. Go to

    You may want to look at Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, or California if you would like a hispanic child.  It is easier than international adoption.

  5. Why have you chosen Mexico? There are lots of adoption agencies all over the country that deal with foreign adoptions. I'm surprised you haven't been ablle to find one. "Wide Horizons" is the first one that comes to mind. I know that Russia and China and Guatemala are countries that have huge adoption networks. The firs thing to do is to find an agency and work with them. Find an agency that you like -- you will be working with them in a very personal way for many months -- perhaps a few years. The cost varies a lot but, is often up to at least $30,000 and more. Requirements differ a lot depending on the country -- some require you to go there, sometimes twice before you can bring home your child. Others can bring your baby here with an escort (I know Korea does that). You need to get approval and that usually begins with a home study -- no matter what agency you use.

    Gotta go. Good luck. Adoption is a wonderful way to build a family!

  6. Just go to an agency.
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