
Intro between kitten and cat didn't go so well?

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I already have a very feisty 10-month-old cat and today I brought home a 9-week-old kitten.

When I first brought him in in a cat carrier, my older cat totally flipped out and started hissing. I put the new guy into the bathroom with a bed, toys, food and litter and let him get settled for a few hours while my older cat could sniff at him under the door.

Then this evening, I brought him out of "his room" again and let him explore the living room with my older cat shut in the bedroom. Then I let the older cat out, while keeping a spray bottle handy in case there were any problems. The older cat flipped out again and started growling and hissing. The kitten got scared and ran, and so of course the older one chased. They didn't get into a fight or something but if I hadn't been there they probably would have.

Am I going about this all wrong? I just want to make sure the poor little guy doesn't get hurt - he's so tiny and fragile.

What can I do better next time?




  1. ah yes.. you did it wrong


    read it - its easy to follow and WILL help

  2. they will most likely never be friends. i had a 7 year old cat and i brought home a 3 months old kitten and he has never gotten to like her and i've had the other cat for almost 2 years now!  

  3. Nothing.. just let them be. Usually the older cat won't actually hurt the kitten. It will take some time but with kittens it's best just to throw them into the mix. It's when you introduce 2 adult cats that you want to be careful they are the ones who really get into real fights. As it stands just let them be.. your cat shouldn't really hurt the kitten, first he will hiss and growl and or smack the kitten. Then he will follow him around and sniff and hiss, then he will ignore him and finally they will start to play. One thing I like to do is get out a wand toy and play with the cats near each other.. when they are in play mode it helps them bond and get used to each other.

  4. Okay, to start wth get the kitten to the vet. Sometimes cats can detect problems with other cats such as worms that we cant detect without a vet.

    If there's no issue there, keep the kitten locked up for several days (confined to a bedroom). Allow the cat to get used to the kittens scent. After a weeks or so, allow the kitten out periodically and allow the cat and kitten to confront each other when they're good and ready to - on their own terms, not on yours. Ease them into it and monitor their interaction until they're kosher.

  5. you're doing it right but the one thing i'd change is how soon you allow them to be together. alternate between having them out for a few days and it will be less of a shock to both cats.

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