
Intro to Judaism classes idea!!!?

by Guest56234  |  earlier

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I have an idea of having classes about Judaism online with a small Judica store. For those who want to convert or just those who want to get back to their Jewish roots. I would just have my Shabbos Goy keep the store up during Shabbat and holidays. Here are my questions:

-Should i do it?

-What should i charge for classes that could be just of hebrew,just of jewish history or study packs?

-How can i advertise?

-What should i need. I will make a website and email but what else should i need?

-Any tips? That would be awesome.




  1. I would take the site down on Shabbos. A lot of Judaica stores do that as it is forbidden to conduct business on Shabbos.

    As for classes, check online and see what his being charged for others. How are you going to teach them? Do you have a lesson plan or anything like that?

    If you make the class about Hebrew then it would be ok to charge I think. If you are trying to bring Jews back to observing Judaism I would not feel comfortable charging but that is just me.

    You could advertise on sites like Chabad or Aish maybe. I don't know how much online advertising costs.

    I would think about why you want to do it. Is it just to make money? If not then I am sure many people would help you. If is all about money then you have to look at your competitors. Are there other sources for those same things online or in your community. Would a Jewish history class taken elsewhere be good for a college credit? You can't compete with that. Also remember Oorah will offer most of those things for free.

    Talk to you Rabbi and find out what he thinks. That is where I would start.

    Note to DasReich: Shabbos Goy is a Yiddish term for a person who is not Jewish and therefore does not have to follow Jewish law. It has been used for a very long time. Just as wealthy Christians kept a "My Jew" on staff to conduct commerce on Sundays when they could not. Sorry you found it offensive but it is a Yiddish phrase and is not used in an offensive manner.

  2. One thing to consider if you're going to charge for the study materials: there are so many websites that offer info on Judaism, you'll need to ensure you are offering something original and unique :)

    Other than that - go for it :)

  3. I think there's already alot of that kind of thing online, but if you do it, could I be your shabbos goy? I'm free Saturdays. :))))))

  4. - Yeah I think you should do it, it sounds like a great idea.

    - I think you should research some websites that teach Hebrew and compare prices, see what the average price is and go by that.

    - You can advertise here for a start, when someone asks a question about Judaism or wants to learn about Judaism you can post the link to your site, you can also pay for advertisement at certain websites.

    - I don't know much about running websites but you need some sort of program or software to keep track of who paid what and what's going on at all times, you'll also need a paypal account or some sort of account so people can pay you, you also need to make sure your site is secure.


    - I think you should close the website on Saturdays, that would make it more attractive to religious Jews, they'll know the info is coming from a good source.

    - I think you should make some information free and then have links for classes that need to be paid for.

    You can also make an email list, send a daily or weekly lesson to subscribers and in that email attach links for these classes, you can make the emails a preview for the classes, make them interesting so that people will want to pay to get the rest.

    - Have as much information as possible, make it a good trustworthy valid source for Judaism, also make a search bar so if someone is looking for info on something specific.

    Hope I helped...

    Good Luck and make sure you send me the link :)

  5. great idea but you can't have another person keep it open well you could ask you're rabbi if you're aloud to but i seriously doubt it but don't charge that much because if they really want to learn about Judaism rabbis will teach them for free so don't charge so much well i suggest you get a few books about Judaism (even if you're Jewish because someone might ask a question about Judaism you don't know) and you know what you might be able to do ask s store (that sells things you would need like maybe books and stuff) if you could sell their books on your website and you get some money if they buy it from youre website or just to get cheaper prices for the books because youre probably going to sell a lot or something  hope this helps  

  6. You should offer Tefillin Barbie for sale. You could specialize in the education of women in the proper execusion of prayers.

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