
Introduce life on the moon?

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Is it possible to place a body of water on the moon? build enough green houses to release oxygen?




  1. Since there is no atmoshpere, the water would boil into vapor immediately.  The temp on the moon ranges from 212F to way below freezing.  An atmoshpere would help stabilize the temp range.

    The moon is too small for an open atmosphere, at least for humans.  The gravity is only 1/6. fo earth. The pressure would only 1/6.  You can't just keep adding gas because the Solar wind will blow it away.  There is not enough oxygen to support us.  If you think you can counter this by adding more 02, the concentration levels will be conducive to spontaneous fires.  The other problem is our blood pressure.  It would boil on it's own at our body temp.  For a working atmosphere you would have to use something very heavy and inert like argon.  Still, with the  20 to 25% O2 levels, it would feel as if you were at like 40 thousand feet or something.  

    If you build green houses, you will have to seal them.  More importantly, how are you gonna protect yourself without a magnetic field?

  2. o

  3. Not really no... The water would simply boil away into space; the moon doesn't have enough gravity to hold an atmosphere, and no magnetic field with which to protect it.  

  4. yes

  5. NO.

  6. No.  Water would sublimate into space very quickly.  Any oxygen you release would also vanish into space.  The moon is far to small to hold gasses by gravity.  Self contained underground environments is the only way to go if you absolutely must live on that deadly, barren rock.  

  7. The moon has no atmosphere and not enough gravity. The water would freeze up or evaporate during the day. The temperature on the moon varies from -387 Fahrenheit (-233 Celsius), at night, to 253 Fahrenheit (123 Celsius) during the day.The water would just evaporate because it would be way too hot.

  8. It would be extemely hard since there is no prior atmosphere to mold or build on. Mars would be very possible. Plant trees to release oxygen and make an atmosphere, introduce a body of water. I believe its called "terraforming". Google "Terraforming Mars" or "Terraforming the moon"

  9. Who cares?




  10. Probably not on the moon. There's no atmosphere existing

    beforehand to work with, and the gravity might be too low.

    Much better choices would be Venus and/or Mars. Venus

    has a dense atmosphere, and introducing some sort of

    oxygen generating bacteria that could survive the high

    temps would 'terraform' the planet in under 100 years.

    Mars would be a little tougher, but still shows some


    Read a book called 'A Step Farther Out' by Jerry

    Pournelle. It's chock full of good ideas about how to

    get rich in space.

  11. Is it possible to create an atmosphere for the moon? No? Well then nothing can be contained there naturally.

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