
Introducing a 7month old kitten to a 3 month old kitten???

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I have a 7 month old ragdoll and I just brought a 3 month old ragdoll home. They are both females and the sweetest kittens... HOWEVER my 7 month old hates the kitten, hissing and swatting. She is ok if I hold the kitten and if she can lay away from the kitten and watch it play. The problem is the kitten just wants to play with the older one, and the older one will hiss and swat anytime the kitten comes up to her. We are currently keeping the kitten in her own room, my older kitten is starting to get used to the scents and is starting to sit outside the door and just watches it. Has anyone introduced 2 kittens?? Whats your advice? How long does it normally take???




  1. yes- i had to do the same thing. The best way to do it is to keep them in the same room for 20, 30mins each da y and gradually let them start to get used to each others company. They will have fights if you just suddenly plant the younger 1 into the older 1s life.

    Hope this helped.

  2. well it shouldnt take too long maybe like a month. i had 6 cats and one ran away but came back like 3 days later. then after that one of my cats started fighting with her..... probably because of a new smell or something. but they never get along. but about your cats they should soon, maybe when they grow up a little. but anyway itll probably take like 3 or 4 weeks

  3. Yes i introduced my 6 week old kitten to my 2 yr old cat , she was exactly the same on the first sighting , we have now had the kitten 4 weeks and the older cat still sometimes swipes at her but she also tolerates her . I know this will take time but one day they will be best of friends ! just keep an eye on them together ! and don't shout at the older kitten for swipping at her its just to let the kitten know who is the boss . Godd luck xx

  4. Make the younger kitten play with older one in your presence much as possible.Take them out together much as possible and allow them to play away from home at least for two months.  

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