I want to gradually introduce my boyfriend to Indian and Asian food - when I first met him he pretty much ate chicken, potato and carrot and nothing else, definitely no spices, and no sauces except instant gravy! Over the past year, he's come to like ketchup (!), spaghetti (but only in a herbed/spiced oil and broth coating, not in sauce, doesn't really like tomato, and doesn't like creamy sauces sigh), will eat spicy rubbed or marinaded meats BUT still doesn't like sauces, eg. wouldn't eat a curry because doesn't like the thick gloopy sauce. Anyway... even getting him to spicy at all is an achievement (chilli and paprika are the favourite flavours) but I want to work on a broader range of flavours, eg. tandoori chicken as a start. Ideally, I'd like to get him really into Asian food, and as he can handle chilli and will eat semi-dry noodles we're part of the way there - any suggestions for meals/menus/recipes that will get him more into it, or encourage him to try 'wet' foods? Thanks!!!