
Introducing a new baby?

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I'm pretty sure I'm pregnant (not something I wanted and I had an implant put in to avoid this but happy just the same) I wanted at least another year with just my son. If the new baby is born around the time my son is two, how do I show him he's still mommys lil angel as much as the new baby will be? What's been your experience with your new additions to your family?




  1. My older son was not excited about being a big brother...there is 5 years between them. The day his brother came home from the hospital, we presented him with a big brother box. We put a bottle with his favorite team on it and a cup that matched for him. We put a big brother t-shirt in it and had a little brother one as well. Then we loaded it down with all shorts of stuff that he loves. We spent about $50 on stuff but he had something that distracted him from all the attention we needed to give his little brother.  

  2. Talk to him about the importance of being a "big brother" and let him know how much you will appreciate his help in taking care of the baby.  

    Try to have one on one time with him and, as you put together your new baby book, share with him about your feelings when you were pregnant with him and how excited you were that he was coming

    As the baby crosses milestones make sure to reminisce with him about his milestones.  First tooth, first word, first step etc.

    He will be excited to hear about himself as a baby now that he is a big boy.

    If he does not get enough positive reinforcement for being a big boy, and thinks that the baby gets more attention by being a baby then he may try to emulate baby behaviors and it may set back potty training etc.  

    Try to make being a big boy more important than being a baby.  Make sure to point out fun things that he can do now that the baby can't.

    Also, one on one big boy time with dad would be really good right now.  Let him teach him things that only big boys can know.  

  3. I will be going through the same thing you are.. except my son is 3 and will be going on 4 after my second is born.  I just figured that mommy and son alone time would help.  Leave baby with daddy and you and your son go out, maybe to the park or for a walk, to the store for some shopping.  


  4. Make him apart of it.  He is too young to really understand, but start off slow.  "You are going to be a big brother", "You are mommy's little helper", those helped my children. Also, take him to an ultrasound appointment, like the last one before the birth or at least after you are 6 or 7 months pregnant.  Don't start saying anything until you begin to show or start buying things. ( months is long for us, but an eternity for them.  He will get confused or "bored" with the idea if you start too soon.

    I have "date  night" with the children individually, as often as I can. They love it and so do I. It is important to spend alone time, children thrive from that.

  5. First of all congratulations !!!! A baby is always a blessing.. AS for your boy you can start by introducing the baby NOW !!!When baby is not born, so he can start loving and caring for the baby. When I was pregnant with my second baby, my oldest was 4 but I told her about having a baby, and as the big girl she would love and care,  I even took her to the see the sonograms. When my second baby was 1& 3 months we find out I was pregnant & I was worried too because we were planning our third but after our second child was at least 3 yrs, so we talked to him and get him involved in the baby's stuff and when she was born he had just turned 2 so we asked him to help us bringing the dippers the wipes and play a little with her, he was never jealous, now he cares a lot for her play together there are just 2 yrs apart and they get along real good. SO don't be scared get him involved in your pregnancy and don't over spoiled him, and when ever you can spend QUALITY time with him but tell him that later on you will have to shared your time with both of your babies. BOTH will be special to you and you will love them the same you will see...BEST WISHES !!!

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