
Introducing democracy to another country?

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How would you introduce/tell a country about democracy to a country who recently overthrew a totalitarian government?




  1. We must not do that anymore. We deemed ourselves in charge of the world. So did Hitler and how did that work for him?

  2. I would not stick my nose into their business.  They need to make their own decisions.

  3. First of all, I would not. One of the big problems the USA faces is trying to force democracy into countries that have their own forms of government. We are not shining examples of a true and perfect democracy. We should keep our noses out of other peoples government and they should and for the most part do keep there noses out of ours. If there is a country that has successfully  overthrown there government, then they should be strong enough to form what ever they want without us butting in.  

  4. I think most people know what democracy is. Even citizens of authoritarian nations don't need telling. Whether they'd support it is another matter - it's not a perfect system.

  5. What's America doing spreading poisonous Democracy?(mob rule. 51% controls the rights of the other 49%)

    It is supposed to be a Constitutional Republic.(Individual human rights, 99% cannot restrict the rights of 1%)

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