
Introducing foods to a 4 month old? (like cereals and whatnot)

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I was wondering when some people on here introduced foods to their baby and how it went lol. I know you CAN introduce cereals at 4months. My fiance's mom says she read something about feeding a soft boiled egg yoke but idk if I'm comfortable giving my 4 month old egg. My fiance and I are into being natural so if you know of any good homemade cereal recipes let me know! (you know not just the stuff you buy in a box!) =) thanks in advance!




  1. You can always take the rice cereal and mix it with a 1st Foods.

    Our Ped had us start off with squash and rice cereal. He said the rule of thumb is orange/yellow veggies first (try not to do sweets like apples and bananas first, save for later)

    Just mix a little bit of the squash (or whatever you wish to use, sweet potatoes, carrots, peas and so on) with some rice cereal and your babies formula, or if you BF then pump some and use that to make it a little more watery.  Your baby probably will make funny faces, but of course stick with the same foods for about a week or two to make sure he/she does not have any allergies to it. Have fun!

  2. I'm not sure on making your own cereal, I never did that, but I do make all my babies fruits and veggies. Its so easy and I love doing it.

    The egg yoke, I don't think you can give that to them til they are 8 montrhs old. And just the yoke not the whites.

    But I'm sure if you get some rice brown or white don't think it matters too much, cook it like you would normally, then put it through a food mill or processor then you will have your own cereal. Same with oats. Im not too sure tho.

    But here is a site that has all the info you need for making your own foods, they might actually have info on cereal in there as well.

    Good Luck & have fun.

  3. i make my baby food at home. steamed veggies, mashed. fruits mashed.iron fortified cereal i buy from the store. i think you should wait to feed your baby eggs.

    in any case i suggest you wait till month 6 before you start feeding solid food to your baby.

  4. Ask the babies pediatrician. They always know whats best and if you want it natural go to Whole Foods and buy it there. Lets say  you want to introduce cereal then the first day give them 1/4 cereal 3/4 baby food then the second day 2/4 cereal 3/4 baby food the next day 3/4 cereal and so on

  5. you could mix the cereal with baby food!

  6. I started with rice cereal and then oatmeal cereal...I think you could make your own oatmeal by grinding regular oats but I never tried this...rice cereal is kind of binding so I just give my girl oats, barley or mixed now so she won't get constipated.  As far as fruits/veggies...we started with pears then nectarines, plums, bananas....careful with the bananas though as they are also constipating.  We also do lots of  veggies like peas, carrots, sweet potatoes, squash...just do things very slowly and always offer breastmilk/formula first.  I made all my own fruits/veggies by steaming/blanching and then pureeing to the desired consistancy.  It's easy and cheaper.  You can make big batches and then freeze them in ice cube trays and store in freezer bags.  check out

    Also, egg yolks usually come later with other proteins...8 mo. or so.

  7. One of the most natural things I've found that you can do is to wait to give solids until about 6 months when your baby can self feed, then start them on table foods.  Babies learn how to pick up pieces of food, put it in their mouths, gum/chew, and swallow when they're about 6-7 months old.  Once they can do this there is no reason for them to need baby cereals or baby foods.  Since babies don't actually need any solids until close to 12 months, you can just wait on giving solids until your baby can self feed.  Watch your baby over the next couple of months.  While she definitely isn't ready for egg yolk yet, she will be able to handle it like a pro in a couple of months.

    We did this with my son and it worked wonderfully.  We started feeding him cooked diced veggies like carrots, corn, and soft cooked apple pieces.  You can find some good information if you google "baby led weaning", but be cautious asking about it on Yahoo Answers.  Some people are convinced that babies choke that way and that it's just a fad.

    A good home made cereal recipe, if you want to start solids before your baby can self feed and if you want to use cereal is to put some dry steel cut oats into a food processor, process down a bit, and then cook them up like normal.  

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