
Introverted or extroverted?

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I'm going through a tough decision here, and I'd just like some second opinions.

I'm a really shy person, and I believe I have a slight Social Anxiety Disorder.

Sometimes, this REALLY sucks. I don't have a lot of all. I'm alone a lot. I'm very outspoken in school, and most people just prefer to ignore me altogether instead of talking to me or trying to get to know me (I'm not saying this is their fault).

And I want to be more extroverted, so I CAN make friends, and talk to people.

But I just don't ever picture me being that way.

And I like being introverted sometimes too, for other reasons which I'm not going to get into because I don't want this question to be TOO long.

So, like I said, I just want other people's opinions. Should I try some more to be outgoing? Or just stay shy and quiet? What would you do in this situation?

I'm a sophomore in high school.

Please no "just be yourself" stuff. Please?

Thank you!





    thank you me later.

  2. This is way too complicated to answer here. There are many possible answers, including personality disorder or Aspergers. Or it could be just simple anxiety that makes it difficult to interact with others

    Whatever the case, I would recommend that you go to a psychologist or psychiatrist so that they can evaluate you and, if they do find anything that needs treatment, help you with medication and/or therapy.

  3. dude i feel ya bein introverted sucks somtimes i hated it too for the longest time and then i got some lexapro for bout a yr and it help me realize who i am and its ok to juss b out there and s***w the world haha soo now im an intorverted extrovert and its awsome but i wouldnt suggest the meds cuz the w/drawles arnt worth it id suggest finding ppl juss like u and chillin wit them id choose 1 best friend over 500 ppl ne day!

  4. be yourself. oh ****...i mean be more outgoing, meet new people dont wait for them to come to you.

  5. No, seriously. When people say "just be yourself", we're not being flippant, we really mean be your freaking self.

    I know it can be hard to watch the extrovert kids with their huge free-range herds of friends grazing in the cafeteria... but is that REALLY what you want? You're basically talking about swallowing your pride, your opinions, and doing things you don't actually want to do just so people will like you, right?

    Except that will mean that the you they think they like is, in fact, a lie, wouldn't it?

    I have a grand total of 3 friends, and for the majority of my high school career I didn't even have that. You don't need phonies. You need people who will like you for who you are, not who you can pretend to be. Thats why its important to be yourself: so the people who will like you for you can FIND you!  

  6. Im introverted, so here's my advice...

    I think its very hard for introverts. people might ignore you because they dont know what to think. Ive gotten the whole "stuck up *****" thing many of times! It wasnt that at all though. Now I am less shy, but Im also 23 and out of the whole high school scene (thank god!) In time you will be more ok with yourself and what people think of you. I still dont have all the social Skills I guess youd call it. I say inappropriate things, but the few people im close to know me and dont judge me wrong. I think its better to have few close friends, than many acquaintances! :>  

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