I'm going through a tough decision here, and I'd just like some second opinions.
I'm a really shy person, and I believe I have a slight Social Anxiety Disorder.
Sometimes, this REALLY sucks. I don't have a lot of friends...at all. I'm alone a lot. I'm very outspoken in school, and most people just prefer to ignore me altogether instead of talking to me or trying to get to know me (I'm not saying this is their fault).
And I want to be more extroverted, so I CAN make friends, and talk to people.
But I just don't ever picture me being that way.
And I like being introverted sometimes too, for other reasons which I'm not going to get into because I don't want this question to be TOO long.
So, like I said, I just want other people's opinions. Should I try some more to be outgoing? Or just stay shy and quiet? What would you do in this situation?
I'm a sophomore in high school.
Please no "just be yourself" stuff. Please?
Thank you!