
Intruders what can i do help please!!!!!?

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For the past month now i have been returning home from work to find things in my house out of place. I have even smelled bad oders. This all had me very confused and I thought I was loseing my mind.This month I recieved my utility bills and was shocked to find someone had been watching pay perview tv and making long distance phone calls.When i looked closer i found food cleaning supplies and some dvd's missing.I live alone and have never had a room mate and i own my house.How could this happen? Who is doing this? Why me?

I have since changed the locks and instaled a security system...I have found foot prints around my doors and windows and i cant sleep I feel like someone is in my house,I also have awakened to my alarm going off more than i care to recall.The police say their is nothing they can do even though the security camera clearly showed a group of people dressed in black hanging around my basement door a week ago..I think these people know the police wont help me....




  1. Maybe the police are involved, ever give that a thought?

  2. Get a dog with a big bark.

  3. Right now YESTERDAY you need to call 911!!!!!!!!

  4. Get a piece of paper and a chewed up piece of meat. On the paper, write: "Hey Marty,

                           I went back to the gun shop for more ammo. Watch out. Spike got loose and I heard he's been terrorizing the neighborhood. I got a summonings today because of him. If you see him, let me know. Be back in an hour." Put it on the front door. Put the meat on top of it.

    Also, place gun club stickers all over your windows to let em know you're a force to be reckoned with.

  5. Wow!  the police have to help you!  You have proof!

  6. Hire a detective (if you can take the costs) and they'll find out and/or sue the local police department for not executing their duty - to keep citizens safe !

    God bless you!

  7. Get a shot gun.  The next time you hear something, open your front door, and fire it in the air.  It is VERY likely that they will move on.

    be careful with booby traps, though.  If they get injured, they will sue, and unfortunately, they will win.

  8. You may be correct about police but chances are and hope that you are wrong.

    It has happend to me. But I did not call police because I myself realise that police cannnot do anything in most cases.

    It is like looking for a niddle in a hay stack. Police just do not have the resources and the man power to do so.

    The people could be agents of, or and:

    Outside government.

    Organise crime.

    Even your government acting on false info in your file(thies will not eat and watch pay for view TV, they will come and go after recording copying the info that they may feel fit, they may frame you if they may not find anything by planting Info to justify previous effort, but that  types are rear.

    You have some one that is a juviniel gang, that is using your home, some one that may be trying ti tease you and chalange you, like "let us see what you can do, or you are helpless you cannot do a think".

    If police spent time to see the tape of the people hanging around then they have done more then enough, all they can do, it is not tresspassing, which is a very broad charge but most of the time it cannot be proved or even prosecuted. Must prove intent to damage or actual damage by them.

    If you must go after them then hire a Private Eye, coordinate with police and a good lawyer and then catch them in the act.

  9. do you have friends if you do tell them to come over and one morning let one of them take your car look like you are going to work then a few of your friend stay in the house and wait for them and when they come in beat the s##t out of them hurt them enough to remember you then call the cops and say they fell that would work for me!!!

  10. install a screatty camera and booby trap your crib

  11. If you are home, as soon as you hear someone outside call the police ASAP. Tell them someone is trying to break in. That should get them out quick & hopefully catch them.

    Also  ask your neighbors to keep on eye on your place too. & if they have camcorders all the better.

    Any chance on getting a guard dog? Keep him indoors. That usually will scare people off.

    Post a sign in you yard saying "Neighborhood watch".

    Just some suggestions.

    Unfortunately we have too many psyco, moronic, loser people with nothing better to do in this world.

    Good luck.

  12. Post some NRA membership signs (and any other gun-related type signs) on your windows where the punks will be sure to see them.

  13. How scary!  Do you have a video camera that you can put in your home when you are not there?  I would set one up and try to catch whoever is coming in.

  14. Wow, fix your basement door.  That sounds like where they might be getting in.  Get a guard dog, a big nasty one.  They will think twice about coming in.

  15. Make sure every door is locked, when you go to sleep.  Have a man come to your house and check the attick and the basement.  Put a camera up, hidden in your house and lay a $100.00 bill on the counter in plain view.  Preferably a fake 100 that you can get at a novelty store.  Do that for a couple of days.  See what you get.  If you think there is a specific point of entry, put some flour on the floor just inside and check to see if its altered when you get home.  Place a trip wire in your house by the hundred dollars with fishing string and infront of the camera.  That way you can possibly get their voice on film and possibly reconize whom they are.  Good luck girl.  Let me know how it goes.

  16. If the police won't help you head straight to the district attorney. tell them what has happened this may fall under the stocking law be sure and tell them you think your life is in danger. Check with every one that lives around you and see what they may have heard or seen. Don't take this lightly.Speak up to any one that will listen.We don't need to see you on unsolved crimes.

  17. Sounds like you need to move!  Seriously!  

    Call the cops every time the alarm goes off and sooner or later they'll start taking it seriously.

  18. I've actually heard that there are people who live in other peoples houses while they're not even aware of it. Since no one is there when police investigate, there is no one to ask to leave. I think that homeless people figure that it's a way to live off others not unlike other parasites and it may be contagious behavior. You may find it nearly impossible to rid yourself of these unwelcome pests.

  19. Go to your state police instead of local police and show them the video.  Go to your state prosecutor show them the video and explain the police will not intervene.

  20. That is so freaky! The cops have to do something! I'd be scared out of my mind. See the police again and if they don't do anything go and see your local Ombudsman and make an complaint. You don't have to live like this, it's just not fair.

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