
Invade to remove nukes?

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Why are we starting wars in other countries to get rid of weapons on mass destruction? Can't we just dismantle some of ours? How many nukes do we really need in the USA? We can blow up all major populated areas in the world multiple times over.

We really do not need that much firepower. It is not like the threat of being able to do that is stopping other countries from fighting us in wars. We can't even use a single nuke without terrible consequences. So why have all these warheads?




  1. They don't have nukes, like Iraq and the powder milk plant that was making supposedly biological weapons huh?

    They stopped producing that type of weapon grade material back in 2003 and have been in every term, :legal: with the treaties in place. To bomb Iran will just keep Bush in office another 6 months or longer...Plus raise up costs here at home and abroad by at least 65% , people will starve cause they will not be able to afford food, and I bet Bush has Iran's main supply of food storage as the main target on first strike.

    Funny how the Midwest and other corn producing areas are flooded out constantly last month or so, even after replanting , by storms that seem to be directed at certain coordinates.

    Try this video series for an incite look at the history behind why this war is going on.

    Want my Opinion this is nothing less then invasive Rogue genocide.

  2. We have all of that firepower as a deterrent, so other countries won't start trouble with us.

    It's crazy for anyone to fear a nuclear Iran,,,,,,,we could vaporize the whole country with 1% of our nukes, and Israel has enough nukes to destroy all of Iran's cities.

  3. Your point is well made. The majority of the Worlds Nuclear Weapons are located in the United States (over 10,000) and Russia (over 10,000).

    The Corporate Media and many Democrats are repeating the same Bush administartion propaganda, distortions and Lies about Iran, as they did about Iraq. Guess they never heard about the Boy Who Cried Wolf.

    16 Intelligence Agencies and the IAEA declared that Iran had NO NUCLEAR WEAPONS PROGRAM.

    Don't let facts get in the way to the run up to another War Profiteer Military Attack/Invasion!

  4. The real reason starts with natural resources, also search for Holy relics...  They mask the truth by saying they are searching for weapons of mass destruction.

  5. Why don't you get rid of half the food in your refrigerator?

  6. I support the United States not permitting that maniacal dwarf who runs Iran to possess nuclear weapons.  His use of them could easily escalate into a full scale nuclear war.

  7. You not only want to allow fanatics that beat women for showing their face in public to get nukes.  You also want to render us impotent to do anything about.  I know the Iranians are great people but that government is run by Islamic fascists.

    You want to know why? Open a history book and learn why Neville Chamberlain is considered a blithering idiot by history..

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