
Invalidity benefit?

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Can anyone tell me what happened to invalidity benefit,i do know they changed it to incapacity but the people on invalidity were on a high rate so were they allowed to keep that rate or was the incapacity the same and did they all have to change over.





  2. And this is in the altmed section?

  3. Have a look at this article on the DWP web site - it explains what happened in the transition between the old invalidity benefit and the new incapacity benefit.

  4. well i remember there were a lot of protests in London.

    Lots wheelchair bound people jeering at and splashing red paint on politicians

    So without checking the facts i imagine they were made to accept a lower rate of beenfit and the name changed from invalidity benfit to incapacity.

    just my first thougts

    apologies if they are inacurate
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