
Invasion of the something from doctor who!!?

by  |  earlier

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my next door neighbour is having a slug problem....but no in her garden, on her house!

they are large and green and covered in green slime, they slither up the side of her house during the night, using the same route everytime and leaving a trail from floor to roof!

why are they doing this, hers is the only house they crawl up, and always the same route, what do they do when they get there? why only her house? why green not black?




  1. Hi,have never heard of them maybe she should get pest control to sort them out.

    Good Luck

  2. I use table salt to kill slugs. It works great. I hope this helps.

  3. slug dont cross copper tape,she can fix some to the wall.this will stop the slugs.but then they might come a knocking on your door!!!!!!

  4. salt....lots of salt :D

  5. I am not sure what kind of slugs these could be,(I am assuming she has seen them though.) She could try spreading iodized salt around the perimeter of the house but I  am not sure if that would just kill or deter them. Good luck.

  6. the slugs might be eating out of her gutter there might be some sort of moss or fungus .slugs do normally follow the same route the slime is like a sort of trail  may be she should try cleaning the slime off the house.if this don't work try beer traps round the base of the house

  7. you DO know DRwho is real dont you.. they are most likely aliens from another solar system

  8. Yup, they've started in Scotland, too.

    Wait till it rains, then there will be millions of them.

    They come in for the catfood in our kitchen.

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