
Inventing a work history?

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What is the best way to invent your own work history (if you have large gaps, that are putting off employers)?

Can you for example start a business and say that you have been running it for a long time?

Does anyone know the best ways you can do this, to make getting employment easier?




  1. Would you really want to spend your time in the new job thinking when they will find out?

    Getting dismissed for lying in your application would be a worse history still.  Just explain the gaps - might have been time out, voluntary work or whatever but it can all be checked.

  2. Its dodgy to make up stories to fill a C.V.- tell them why you were out of work- if you couldn't genuinely couldn't find work then say so. They do sometimes check your work history- i have gaps in my C.V. but i did look after my three children- being a woman with a family its easier to get round. Invention of careers though is never good!

  3. Who is to say that you weren't self-employed, just because you didn't have any customers/

    private research projects abroad..are also good

    student....well you read don't you?....just say "i was a part time student at xxxxxx" ( wherever you lived)  

    If on the dole........engaged in government work

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