
Invention Problems...That you can fix!?

by Guest63901  |  earlier

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Do any of you ever have a problem changing in the bathrooms at the beach?Well,I do.There are no clean places to ever change!

Post some other problems you have here, and some people might be able to find a possible solution to that problem...and they ight be able to use it in an INVENTION CONVENTION...




  1. ok, perpetual motion is impossible, because even if you made a machine that could move perpetually, it would stop as soon as you harvest the energy from it.

    But to answer your question, something to fix.

    People talking at the movie theaters.

    Dresser drawers that dont hold enough clothes.

    Socks that get holes in the toes and heels too easily.

  2. i have a big problem with people who drive like idiots, expecially tocking on there cell phones

  3. these people know their perpetual motion

    or you could just use a phased array casimir force generator gravitational lens optional

  4. Bring a large piece of cardboard with you and stand on it to change. I usually change next to my car and hve no problems. Just open the door and if people want to look,it is there prob

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