
Investers/finanial planning, can anyone give me advice on finanial planning? see details?

by Guest65433  |  earlier

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having a buy to let plus shares,investment trusts, i feel im on the way to be out the rat race, i need information on other investers strategies as i feel my strategie is confused at the moment,i need a formular that i can stick to for the next 20 years?




  1. Check out this site (,  it’s a good place to get a lot of different views and ideas regarding investing.  You can pretty much ask any question and someone will give you an answer.

  2. Well, it sounds like there is no cohesion currently. First, plan, sell any outstanding stocks, mutual funds you have. Of course, I say this because you need to start with a clean slate and a plan. No pointing in being married to investment just because its in your portfolio currently.

    In terms of strategies there are many out there. I've found 2 that work best for most people, regardless of time frame.

    1) If you don't want to take an active role in your money management, but want consistent, typically a little better than index returns, look for a balanced mutual fund that takes around 1/2 and 1/2 in a variety of stocks and bonds with differing maturity. Dodge & Cox typically has very good performers. Look at how they did during the 2000 bear market, and other years when the market did poorly. That should be your benchmark for consistency. Any fool can do well in a bull market.

    2) If you want to take an active role in your own money. Either pick up 3-4 books on trading stocks for the individual, read them and see which method suits your personality and time, i.e. fundamental, technical, or some hybrid of the two. If you don't want to take the time, consider putting a small amount of your assets into a brokerage account, and select a stock newsletter service with a good history of consistency. If you find one you are comfortable with, it will likely blow away the mutual fund and market returns.

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