
Investigating the environment. Japanese knotweed Fallopia japonica is notoriously difficult weed to eradicate.

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At nature reserve with serious knotweed problem, warden decided to test method of control that involved injecting herbicide into the hollow stems. Two 25mX25M plots were marked. Herbicide applied to 1 plot, no herbicide applied to 2nd plot acting as control. knotweed dies back each winter so he decided to measure effectiveness of this control method by comparing amount of knotweed regrowth(measured as frequency of new plants)on the 2 plots in spring following the application of herbicide.

a) propse testable null hypothesis(1 sentence)

b) would you measure frequency of new plants throughout entire area of 2 plots or would it be sufficiently accurate to take measurements in smaller representative areas. What would you advise-give 1 reason.

c) would you use a transect across the 2 plots or to sample randomly within each plot-give a reason.

d) warden considers using 1m2(squared) frame quadrat 15 times within each plot. Is this sufficient no of times-give reason and show your workings.




  1. Complex question so I will simplify the answer.

    Always eradicate the weed by the roots. The only true proved method.

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