
Investigators! how do you determine if a place is haunted if you do not actually see a ghost?

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I know if you see a ghost then it is clear it is haunted and if things move on their own etc, but if no phisical or visible things occur, then how do you know it is haunted?




  1. At my old house, i always got weird feelings when I would go into my room, or up my hall way, by myself.

    I then say a ghost and so did my mum and my younger sister,

    Now I have moved I Got the same feelings and saw a ghost.

    Also if things go missing, hings are open, moved, turn off/on you may be haunted

    I kind of get a tingle up my spine and get the feeling that i'm being followed or watched.

    Hope i helpd you =)

  2. I would say that's grounds for paranormal activity.

  3. If, after ruling out all other possibilities- high EMF fields, leaks, drafts, faulty plumbing, etc.- thing still happen, the place is more than likely haunted. The goal of an investigator is to elimate all other possibilities before telling the owner or resident that a place is haunted.

  4. The possibility of a haunting exists if there are unexplained activity going on.  Things that can not be debunked.

    Just seeing a 'ghost' does not classify a haunting.

    If you walk into a building that has claims of activity, then you take steps to check it out.

    1.  If there are high EMF's.  High readings show high amounts of eletcricity.  This can cause people to see things that aren't there, paranoia, nausea ect.

    2.  Checking a particular area of activity to see what else could cause one to see things.  Example, loose doors, cars passing by to project shadows in rooms, pets in the house & natural accurances that could cause what appears to be paranormal activity.

    3.  Also, good strong EVPs or video footage that is not contaminated.  These could be voices other than yours or actions on video.

    With out seeing what is going on, no one can not say that a house is haunted.

  5. You first have to realize that there is no such thing as ghosts.  There are no psychics.  Psychics are nothing more than scam artists and people begging for attention.  If psychics really existed, then they wouldnt be wasting their time talking to ghosts and what not.  They would be rich.

    If there was such a thing as ghosts, then there would be BILLIONS upon BILLIONS of ghosts in the world and there would be SOME sort of absolute proof.

    Think about this...there has been a reward offered for years now that offers $1 million to anyone who can PROVE they have psychic abilities and noone has ever claimed it.  With so many so called-psychics out there, dont you think SOMEONE would be able to prove it by now if it was real?

  6. Psychics like me can sence and see spirits.I can just look at a house from a house from the outside to tell if its haunted or not.Not all old houses are haunted.Some modern houses are haunted too.Even some areas are haunted too.Like in the bush or forest.

  7. My theory is that Ghosts are not human spirits at all.  That does not suggest that they are not real.  I am suggesting that we have a very sensitive Immune System.  Our bodies are made for defense against fourgin bodies including creatures from that unseen realm we call ghosts, and buggs that could cause illness.

    We breath in the air as we pass through those old houses.  If by chance a Biological effect occurs,  we put this information out to others the best way we can.

    I would like to put a helmet that can register physical effects (like an EEG) onto someone who feels they are psychic.  Transmitting remotely to a computer that can correlate reality and physiology into readable changes in the human brain.  while they enter and explore a haunted place, or possible drug houses, makes no difference.

    No one talks!  No one tells the ghosts WHY they are there.  Only the registered EEG and skin changes are recorded.

    Especially how the Frontal Lobe is effected by the space.

    I have yet to see a Ghost Hunter develop the remote EEG recorder.  Infer sound on that device would be really sweet.

    I tried to get one made back in 1994, through the Army  (VA actually.  Since I designed one way back in the Army Developement and Research for Medical 1987)

    But again, if someone could walk into a place,  where someone who had evil in mind dropped some skin cells, and  the wearrer of this device breathed in the dust, they might just locate missing people and things associated to them.

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