
Investigators?? to come to a location on Goatman? New york (small farmers town)?

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OK.. Heres the story.. A few years back a cousin and I were above a small gravel pit back into the woods next to a large graveyard. The woods stretch way back in and cover several thousand acres that stretch across all over to the next towns over. Which are also very small (population maybe 100?) Anyways we came upon a small bark like hut stretching from two trees. We broke it in and what appeared to look like a half human half goat man creature laid there and suddenly stood up only probably 3 feet. It screamed a loud deep high pitched scream that echoed thought the desolate forest. It ran away screaming and we ran the opposite way in complete fear. It had the features of the Greek god Pan. We did some research and thats the closest you can get to it's identity. Now 6 years later we heard it just heard it and the memories and fear could not have been any clearer. It's sounds alot bigger than it did before and has a very deep scream to it. This time it even ran after us ( 1am). Many residents have heard our story and some teens have even heard the screams it produces. We think it may be a goat man demon because it stalks the wood line on the edge of this cemetery. People here are skeptical about this, but there are some who believe. My question is who can you call to investigate something like this? I wouldn't want them to think this is fake or some prank.This is a serious question. Any ideas who would help or to call? Much appreciated for any serious feedback.




  1. Some paranormal investigators also do "monster" investigations.  Here are some links that might help.

  2. Al gore..... just like in the episode of south park where he attempts to track down man-bear-pig; half man, half bear, half pig, he will come to your town, and local school dressed up as this... hmm creature, walking around attempting to make noises like the creature himself to hunt him down.

    but yes... al gore.

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