
Investing in Africa?

by Guest56667  |  earlier

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Have you ever thought about investing in africa, arfican mutualfunds, etc.?

What is your view on the African economy as a whole?




  1. I am currently investing in Africa thru T Rowe Price's Africa and Middle East fund (TRAMX). The fund recently opened last year. It's doing quite well, I'm up about 17% in 7 months. The fund is up about 40% since opening last year. I think it's an emerginging market worth the risk. I also noticed Fidelity just opened a similar fund (FEMEX). This may be an indication the "smart money" thinks there is money to be made in Africa and the Middle East.

  2. I am not against it. Anything to help Afrika as a whole. I am all for it as long as people are treated humanely and everyone benefited from the growth. I am not for human suffering. It's enough of that in the World today. If we can just make life easier for the next person that's my wish in life.

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