
Invisalign questions?

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Does anyone on here currently have invisalign? Or have had it in the past??

I can't stand my is definately one of my major flaws that make me very self concious...

I am a week away from starting my senior year of high I REALLY do not want I'm trying to look into invisalign..

I want to know a few things...

-on much does invisalign cost?

-are there special payments u can do?

-on long do you have to wear the trays for? [months/years I mean]

-you can take them off when you eat? how does that whole deal go?

-do they hurt badly?

-how soon do you see improvement?

-how much more money is it than traditional braces??




  1. I’ve been wearing Invisalign for the last three months and I’m very happy to say that now, I’m really starting to see some obvious results. My open bite is closing, my buck teeth is halfway down to where it belongs, my crowded teeth are not as crowded. They pulled out one of my teeth to make room for the others and now, the empty space is disappearing. My midline shift is only half a tooth off now.

    To answer your question…I had to pay $4,300 which is last year’s price. They wanted 4,700 (this year’s price) but I negotiated and you should do that too. I paid $1,500 at the beginning and then 10 monthly payments of about $280.

    I have to wear 14 trays for the top and 33 for the bottom (each trays/aligners means two weeks).

    You take your aligners off to eat (and put them in a cute little box they give you). Be careful not to put them in a paper napkin in a restaurant and then you end up trying to find your aligners in the restaurant’s dumpster!

    They do not hurt, at least not me. When you start a new tray, every two weeks, it’s very tight but in my case, it just lasts a few minutes. I think the worse pain was the first week because I did not know the right way to put the aligners in and out so I would snap them and if would hurt like crazy. Even taking the aligners out was so painful I just thought I would go on a diet and just not snack anymore!

    Then I got the hang of it and did it slowly (no snapping) and now everything’s fine.

    Invisilign should take into account any space left by an extracted tooth in order to fill the space.

  2. $4,500

    $500 less than traditional braces

    yes i am currently

    it depends on what insurance and dental office it is, but mostly yes, i'm on special payments too

    Mine is just 1 year and 6 months

    you just take them off like retainers, just pull the invisa down at the right then left and volia!! its off!

    i didnt feel no pain, just some pressure for 30 minutes

    after each tray, when you put one over the top, it feels absolutly great

    its LESS than braces!!!

    yep, they took my baby teeth on my top row 2 teeth from the back

    its growing

    the process

    is that you wear the top first for 2 months or more

    then get bottom ones

    the model teeth is really sticky dont taste it or make it stuck on your skin!

    took FOREVER to do mine 50 minutes of having gooey stuff in your mouth 5 times!

    its worth it tho

  3. I paid just over $4K for mine. All out of pocket because it's considered optional compared to regular braces. Had it been regular braces, I would have only had to pay $550 out of pocket with my insurance. I'm sure places will take payment plans, it's pretty common. They say it's about 1 year average, but it really depends on your teeth. Mine were in for slightly over a year. You take them out when you eat and can brush your teeth as you normally would. It does hurt a bit when you put the next piece in, but I didn't find it that bad. I probably starting noticing it after a month, but I'm very good at small details; I never asked my friends or anything so I don't know what it looked like to others. They'll probably want to remove the tooth before hand, it gives your remaining teeth more room to move and adjust.
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