
Invited to parties?

by  |  earlier

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Was there ever a time when you felt/still feel like a loner b/c you never get invited to parties/outings and everyone it talking about it? I used to, but I don't really care about it anymore.




  1. Parties aren't that big of a deal.

  2. There was only one time when I was really upset because I heard about this movie party that I wasn't invited to. All of my friends were going and I felt so left out. People were talking non-stop about it online before hand.

    Well my phone was dead and when it was done charging the morning after I had a voice mail and it turns out I was invited all along.

    But when I don't get invited to parties I usually shrug it off.

  3. I was usually invited to the parties. I never went though. Many of my friends were in to drugs and alcohol and I didn't want any part of it, so I would respectfully decline the offer. They would always tell me what happened, and I didn't mind missing out because I didn't feel like I really was missing anything. Other than that I didn't hear or care about other parties, if it wasn't my friends having it why bother going to be around people I don't know well?

  4. There was, when parties started becoming a big deal.  Now, if I'm not invited, I really don't care.  I get invited to other parties, so I'll just wait for them.

  5. Oh god are you kidding? I haven't been invited to a party in years! Do I still feel like a loner? You bet I do!

  6. um yeah i used to not get ivited to partys unless it was like a birthday party

    then i realized it wasnt that u didnt get invited it was that the ppl that i used to hangout didnt have partys

    now i hangout wht ppl that love to have a blast, im all outgoing and stuff.. but htat has also changed my personality and my life couse im only 15 and ive lived alottttt

    just be glad u have friends
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