
Involuntary jerking of both biceps?

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Hi to all, I would like to ask for a specialist Doctor who read this. My daughter 8 yrs old suffer from involuntary movement in both arms particularly in bicep area recently, we consult a neurologist and they performed EEG, EMG, MRI, bloodtest and the results were ok. But still she kept on jerking only when awake. I noticed her jerking 2 weeks ago but its very minimal but all of a sudden last week she kept on jerking approximately a jerk per second. The neurologist conclude after seeing the result of the laboratory exam that it could be a "Thick" i'm not sure about it but they said it will be minimized as time pass by but as I've noticed the intensity is the same. I hope someone can help me and my daughter. I f you can suggest a Specialist Doctor who has a better experience in handling this kind of rare case is very much appreciated. Thanks in advance!




  1. Well as much as no diagnosis likely frustrates me that is a good thing because they have ruled out a lot of bad things.  It would be very uncommon if it were a nerve problem in both arms,  but it is very common for children this age to have twitches. one I have ever met knows.  But this tends to resolve with age.  It is possible that this "Tic" (I believe this is what the other physician was referencing) could be due to dehydration, or fatigue.  Make sure that she is not posturing her self for prolonged periods of time with her elbows bent, without a rest.  (even if she is not aware of this posturing, I would just observe her) Also making sure she has enough water and salt (that is why Gatorade is good).  Unless the spasm, tic, twitch is getting in the way I would just keep an eye on it.  If it gets worse, more painful, or hinders her in her daily routine then I would follow back with the neuro doc.  Other wise, it could very possibly just go away with time.  Hope this helps a little.  As far as I know there are none that specialize in this area due to the lack of need at this time.

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