Hi to all, I would like to ask for a specialist Doctor who read this. My daughter 8 yrs old suffer from involuntary movement in both arms particularly in bicep area recently, we consult a neurologist and they performed EEG, EMG, MRI, bloodtest and the results were ok. But still she kept on jerking only when awake. I noticed her jerking 2 weeks ago but its very minimal but all of a sudden last week she kept on jerking approximately a jerk per second. The neurologist conclude after seeing the result of the laboratory exam that it could be a "Thick" i'm not sure about it but they said it will be minimized as time pass by but as I've noticed the intensity is the same. I hope someone can help me and my daughter. I f you can suggest a Specialist Doctor who has a better experience in handling this kind of rare case is very much appreciated. Thanks in advance!