
Iowa can we git you another helping of global warming?

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or do you need some time to think




  1. It's a bunch of breached levees, not global warming.  Amazing how levees breach so easily these days!  There is no rain anymore, yet people have to wonder if more levees will "breach" and make their dry area flooded.  Global warming must be wearing those levees down.

    P.S. It was very hot and dry today, yet there were "clouds" in the sky.  That was weird--must be global warming!

  2. Is this how the science is progressing? Every flood, drought, hurricane, etc is blamed on AGW? Have you forgotten that these occurrences have always happened? Or maybe you have forgotten that increased land use contributes to these events. The more development there is, the more effect these natural disasters will have, but maybe you over looked this being that AGW is easier to blame.

  3. I honestly feel bad for you.

  4. i guess every NATURAL disaster is now considered global warming induced, like there were no NATURAL disasters before

  5. Global warming???..... Huh??

  6. I went outside today my car would not start---Darn global warming,had to set in line at the bank today---Darn global warming,Got home today and had to mow the grass again____Darn global warming,get real you cant blame every thing on global warming,like we have never had floods before,or tornado's,or hurricanes,or rain,etc. If we are experiencing global warming why is Sweden's Meteorologists reporting in the extremely high amount of accumulation of new ice at the polar ice caps,and even though I cant prove we are in a cooling cycle,here it is mid June and the temps are a full 10 degrees cooler than normal.

  7. Order up!!!

  8. wow, that flood had nothing to do with global warming. why would you say that, that flood was actually expected, it happens every 500 years

  9. May Zeus throw a lighting bolt at non-believers.

    GRRRRRR….. ZAP….

  10. Flooding is now considered a direct result of global warming?  Funny, I thought that was just considered living in the Midwest.  Weather patterns are just that. . . patterns.  Some years are wet, some years are dry, and some years are in the middle.  It happens when you don't live anywhere near a nice, stable place like the ocean.

  11. Making fun of other peoples suffering isn't cool.

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