
Iphone 2.0 Firmware installed...Iphone locked

by Guest64531  |  earlier

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OK..I know working on my iphone while I'm half asleeo wasn't a great idea !
I inadvertadly clicked on upgrade to 2.0 in Itunes and my unlocked 8Gb iphone updated from 1.1.4. to the newest 2.0 version. Now I've got an Aple brick for a phone....
I've checked the net for unlocking programs for this version and I've found one Winpwg that according to all the chatter aledgedly unlocks the phone.
I've installed the program, ran it and all I can gert out of it to put my iphone into emergency calls only...
Any you guys either know a way I can put back my iphone on 1.1.4 or how to overcome this issue on 2.0.


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