
Iphone 3g in toilet?!!?

by  |  earlier

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at chruch someone took my best friends new iphone 3g out of her bag and we found it in the toilet an hour later

im so mad

is there cameras in the bathroom?

and how can we catch them?

and whats going to happen to the person if we find them?

and we will catch them.




  1. its against the law to have cameras in the bathroom

    you go back on the tapes and check for all the people who left out of the church during the sermon..god will handle them  

  2. "and what's going to happen to the person if we find them?"

    This is a phone. Not a pet.. or anything important. It's only important, because you MADE it important. It's just a phone with internet.

    At the most their probably going to be expelled from Church or suspended..

  3. cameras in a church toilet are u joking lol.

    just be greatfull you have it back, no place is safe from sticky fingered people not even in church.

    praise the lord for making the thief leave it were it could be found :D

  4. Well there are no cameras in bathrooms due to it being illegal and there isn't really a high probability of you catching the thief. Even if you do happen to catch him/her it would be your word against his/hers so I wouldn't advise you to take legal action.

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