
Iphone 3g or blackberry cruve.?

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If I i choose a blackberry, it will be on tmobile. Im 14 years old. Hang out with friends alot if that helps. I text alot, listen to music alot, dont just want a regualr phone.




  1. The new iphone is awesome.  Probably the coolest native app right now is the NES emulator that lets you play all the old NES games like [games]. Not to mention the built in WIFI. I use one site for my iphone questions.

    You can visit that site here:

  2. The Blackberry curve is better for texting, but the iphone has a better browser and the music player is obviously better since it is just an ipod you can talk with.  T-mobile will be cheaper because at&t makes you pay extra because iphones have a special plan.  If you really want an iphone you can buy one full price, unlock it, and get it with t-mobile.  You can't record videos with either one but Blackberries can't play youtube and iphones can.  

  3. The apple iphone 3g is a really good phone however since I have bought it i have noticed a few things that i didn't think would bother me but really do. For example the lack of video camera doesn't help and also the main camera can be quite annoying! There is only one camera on the back of the phone so if you need to take a pic of yourself you have to turn the phone completely around and then you can't find the button to press as it is touch screen and has no bump so you can find it! Also there is no flash or other photo options such as black and white or sepia! However apart from that and the fact that the phone is a bit of a beast when it comes to size i do think that it is a very good phone. It is easy to use, has a lot of memory (like a normal ipod) and you can get signal and internet everywhere! I would definately recommend this phone as long as those few things don't bother you! :)

    Also ,I recommend you visit this site & take note of the iphone 3G monthly cost ... Also try to subscribe to the site as I found it VERY useful

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