
Iphone 3g question???????

by  |  earlier

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do i have to get to an apple store at 8 am to get a iphone because it is in such high demand or can i just get it in the middle of the day?




  1. 8 am would be better just incase

  2. I did not get mine at apple. Go to any AT&T store and they can order you one if they do not have any.

  3. When my stepdad went a few weeks ago, there was a HUGE line to get the iPhone 3G.

    Getting to an Apple store earlier in the day will improve your chances of missing the long line. You don't have to get there super early, but come before noon.

    Also, call your local Apple store that morning to check the stock and availability of the iPhone at that retail location.

    Good luck! (:

  4. go on line...their website...then pre order it...and voila!!!

  5. DO THEY HAVE APPPLE stores just order it

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