
Iphone or Wii for Birthday?

by  |  earlier

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My Birthday is coming up, and my mom agreed to buy me either an Iphone or a Wii. I already have an alright Nokia phone. And i have a nice Xbox 360. But the Iphone looks awesome and the Wii looks reeaaallly fun also. Can anyone help me choose?




  1. This is an easy choice when all things are considered. The wii is strictly entertainment. Some may argue it is good for a healthy lifestyle/ physical fitness but really the benefit is minimal in this area. The iphone however is good entertainment (full safari, ipod), good for productivity (e-mail, research, internet access), and good for displaying photos. All this is delivered in a 100% light, portable package. The iphone is truely technology at it's current best. The only con of iphone, is it has a monthly fee where the Wii does not. In my opinion, this is an easy choice...iphone all the way!

  2. the wii has just as much features ad the iPhone except for the phone. U could buy wii and decent phone for cheaper then  iPhone :)

  3. wiiiiiii

  4. depends on your interests if your going to spend more time at home go with the wii if you like to go out wih friends and stuff around town go with the iphone. you cant beat a phone that has music,video,full fledeged internet and plus its just awsome. no matter which you get ask for the other for christmas ;)

  5. the wiiii is the bomb... i workout just playing it... it's super cool but good luck finding it. if she cant find it well then go for the iphone. which you 'll also christmas is right around the corner. :)

  6. iphone deff!

    i have a wii. i never play it


  7. Get the Wii!! I have one it is a freaking blast! And a lot of people seem to be having problems with their Iphones.

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